Deconstructing Rocana by PADA

Rocana quotes bogus Iskcon gurus, instead of Srila Prabhupada


Rocana das
Rocana das

Deconstructing Rocana by PADA
From: 04. November, 2007

13) Dr. Stilson Judah says: Rocana/ SDG "MINIMIZES SRILA PRABHUPADA"
17) Dr. Stilson Judah exposes Rocana/ SDG's "ANTINOMIANISM."

Oct 26, CANADA (SUN) - A critical analysis of the Srila Prabhupada-Lilamrta by Satsvarupa das Goswami.

1) INTRODUCTION by PADA. The bogus GBC/ Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami (SDG)/ Rocana/ Kailasha Chandra team are simply recycling 1978 arguments ALREADY given by Tamal and Satsvarupa Das Goswami. For example, Satsvarupa Das Goswami is a big exponent of Tamal's idea: "worship of Srila Prabhupada is no longer practical, now that he is no longer physically present." Translation: while the cat is away, us mice will play, and sit in our guru's seat "punar musika bhava." And this idea has been the pillar of the bogus GBC/ SDG/ Sridhara Maharaja/ Rocana/ Kailasha's entire apa-siddhanta slogan all along, "We cannot worship the departed guru, since he is an ordinary posthumous dead person." Rocana and Kailash are simply "true to the end" disciples of the SDG and Gaudiya Matha's deviants, they have rejected Srila Prabhupada who never refers to the departed pure devotees as "an ordinary mundane posthumous person whose worship is now irrelevant." For example Srila Prabhupada says, "I will live forever," SDG says, "No, he is dead and posthumous," and Rocana repeats SDG, and not Srila Prabhupada.

2) "MANAGING" IS A DEVIATION. The bogus GBC/ SDG/ Rocana/ Kailasha Chandra say that Srila Prabhupada "deviated from shastra" when he said he said he wanted a managerial body (GBC) to "manage his society after his departure," and not "living gurus." These fellows ultimately desired no managerial process at all, at least they shouted down the idea, and the result has been that widespread debauchery, criminality and child molesting invaded ISKCON under their scheme. For example, Sridhara Maharaja said "there is no such thing as 'Governing Body Commission' in shastra," and how did you guess this is one of the all too numerous Rocana/ Kalasha/ SDG complaints against Srila Prabhupada. "Srila Prabhupada is a deviant from shastra because he wanted managers and not swindler gurus." Notice this section below from the Rocana/ Kailash writings:]

** ROCANA/ KAILASHA: "Accepting any mundane conception of the spiritual master is dangerous. While he was present in material manifestation, none of his disciples would have bought into such a mundane outlook of their spiritual master. It would not have been tolerated. The scripture describes such misconceptions of the guru as a hellish mentality. Such a mindset is capable of uprooting the devotional creeper. It is known to be a great offense to the guru, called, in Sanskrit, maha-gurv-aparadha. It is especially so when such mundane conceptions are distributed to tens of thousands of people in written form."

3) MINIMIZING SRILA PRABHUPADA. [PADA: Yet Rocana and Kailasha are the main "public writers" now attacking Srila Prabhupada as an ordinary mundane "posthumous" man, who "makes mistakes" -- by his trying to set up a system to administer his society; whose current worship is some mundane "church" idea, and so on ad infinitum. For example Rocana/ SDG say that Srila Prabhupada "is just like Jesus," OK so far, except THEN Rocana/ SDG say that Srila Prabhupada is impotent and he cannot accept sins like Jesus is still doing. As such, only a few foolish "ritvik" "church fool" deviants still worship the dead posthumous guru. Of course Rocana had made his own church, he joined with SDG's "church of living pedophile's worship." Meanwhile, Rocana advocates that "the sins" will be absorbed by persons like -- Bhakti marga swami, because he was "voted in" by SDG and Rocana's concocted 1986 "guru by votes reform." This "guru reform" was master minded by SDG, and Rocana is still validating the guru by votes system? Rocana also currently advocates for SDG's "zonal/ voted in gurus" process. Sorry, gurus are not zonal, they are not voted in, neophytes cannot absorb sins, ooops we forgot, Rocana is a Pope-ologist, he wants a "living Pope" photo in his car or else he feels insecure.

4) GURU-APARADHA. Oddly, even and ordinary Christian, like the girl next door (she is the owner of Mr. Snuffles the cat) knows that to agree with the bogus GBC/ SDG/ Rocana/ Kailasha Chandra idea-- and to say that pure devotees (people like Jesus) are "dead and posthumous" is very offensive (i.e. guru-aparadha) because it equates the pure with an ordinary man. In other words, she understands that the bogus GBC/ SDG/ Rocana/ Kailasha are engaged in attacking the post of pure devotee (and this is guru-aparadha, vaishnava ninda etc.) since every day Rocana and Kailasha wake up and say, "let us perform some nice guru-aparadha, and agree with SDG that the guru is an ordinary (posthumous) man." Amongst the offenses to Krishna, "to consider the guru as an ordinary (posthumous) man" is very severe. And Rocana/ Kailasha commit this aparadha every single day, day in and day out, and write to inspire others into this aparadha.]

** ROCANA/ KAILASHA: ... In essence, it becomes easier to accept an ordinary man as a guru when you are first able to bring an actual guru down to the status of an ordinary man."

5) MINIMIZING PURE/ MAXIMIZING IMPURE. PADA: Good point, by Rocana/ SDG harassing and minimizing the worship of Srila Prabhupada as "posthumous ritvikism," the bogus GBC/ SDG/ Gaudiya Matha deviants/ Rocana/ Kailasha have produced wave after wave of "ordinary men" as gurus. "Minimum qualification -- maximum pooja." Hence the bogus GBC / Rocana/ Kailasha are hoisting up ordinary men as apparently divine gurus simply by dint of their being "not posthumous." Unfortunately, the bogus GBC / SDG/ Sridhara Maharaja/ Jayadvaita/ Rocana et al. find some nice devaints to worship since they are not even elevated enough to worship Mr. Snuffles the cat, since the cat never harms any vaishnavas whereas their bogus "living gurus" -- ban, beat, molest and orchestrate murders of the vaishnavas. It is a little surprising that Rocana and Kailash are still repeating the above "living guru" ideas, the main ideas of deviants like the bogus Gaudiya Matha/ Tamal and SDG, while claiming to be "faithful to Srila Prabhupada." "We hate to see Srila Prabhupada being worshiped, this is the bogus church of posthumous dead body worship, why not worship a nice fellow voted into SDG's pedophile guru clan, like Bhakti Marga"? "Minimum qualification, maximum pooja."

6) ROCANA/ KAILASHA ARE THE CHEIF CURRENT DISCIPLES OF SDG: Rocana is faithful ONLY to the bogus Gaudiya Matha/ Tamal and SDG. After all, Tamal is the person who came up to us in 1976 and started screaming, about two inches away (and right in front of Srila Prabhupada's vyasasana) "I know all about you, you are just waiting for Srila Prabhupada to die so you can sit in his seat." Notice, "Waiting for the guru to depart, so we can sit in his seat," and didn't Srila Prabhupada complain that he was being poisoned (so they could vacate his seat and sit in it earlier). These are the persons who are Rocana's heros, these are the people Rocana wants to cite as repeat? Rocana worships (and hence always cites from) what Srila Prabhupada calls "the kali chelas," not from Srila Prabhupada.

Clearly, Rocana and Kailash are using DIRECT citations from their "authorities" who are: the prime suspects in the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada. At the same time, since Tamal, Jayadvaita, Ravindra swarupa, SDG et al. call Srila Prabhupada "posthumous," "church worship" etc. ... NOTICE that Rocana/ Kailasha are parrots who are repeating SDG's exact slogans and terminology. Srila Prabhupada says Rocana's idea (the guru is posthumous) is "killing guru" -- this is not only apa-siddhanta. Rocana goes through all kinds of trouble to say that the bogus GBC and their main writer SDG are "making Srila Prabhupada into an ordinary man," but then in the next breath Rocana repeats EXACTLY what his guru SDG says, "Srila Prabhupada is posthumous, he is an ordinary man." Rocana and Kailasha are simply SDG's best bucket boys.

7) REPEATS SLOGANS OF MAIN SUSPECTS: As such Rocana/ Kailasha have become little Tamal and SDG puppets and they cannot even think for themselves. Then again, this merely begs the question, why would one want to cite the statements of the apparent poisoning of one's guru as one's authority? This makes Rocana another version of Narayana Maharaja who also says, "Sure, Tamal is the main suspect in the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada, that is why I worship Tamal as my poojyapda." Translation: "Sure, Judas betrayed Jesus, that is why I never worship the posthumous Jesus, I just worship Judas." And this is basically what Satsvarupa says, "Sure, Tamal made homosexual pedophiles into gurus, that is why I promote the worship of guys like Tamal -- and not the worship of Srila Prabhupada." These people are all on the same basic wave length.

8) ROCANA/ SDG GURU "UNCERTAINTY": Oddly, while "worship of Srila Prabhupada is (allegedly) no longer practical," a considerable amount of uncertainty has recently developed over "who should be worshiped instead." Srila Prabhupada says that the Rocana/ Kailasha/ SDG idea of "not being clear who is the guru" is mayavada, and a rudderless apa-siddhanta. Rocana/ Kailash/ SDG simply repeat the main bogus GBC itself, whom are more and more reluctant to specify which -- if any -- of their "gurus" are bona fide. A recent sign that the overall bogus GBC process is deteriorating severely is that they had to make an official resolution that "the local GBC guru must be promoted -- or else you will lose your position in ISKCON." In other words, there is growing sympathy for our idea "let us worship Srila Prabhupda." And so the false idea can only go forward with vicious oppression and threats of "losing your salary" to create fear and hopefully "holding the party line." The Tamal/ SDG/ Rocana "living guru" idea has relied all along on suppression and oppression if not violent tactics to "win," but as we see, the power of these odious techniques is falling away rapidly.

These are what Srila Prabhupada called the bogus Gaudiya Matha's cheating techniques, just like Rocana writes as "Parampara dasa," but there is no such person, simply they are making up lies, bluff, etc. Rocana and others keep saying that our Prabhupadanuga idea is not growing, but it is. And the proof is that our idea is just about all the SDG/ Rocana/ Gaudiya Matha deviants/ ever talk about consistently. Thus many people, even in ISKCON, are admitting at least privately to us or our colleagues, that the PADA idea of promoting Srila Prabhupada is "the only way to save ISKCON." The bogus GBC are still trying to use their economic clout, i.e. threats of losing one's post and salary, to suppress this process, but this oppression will not last long.

As a matter of fact, the entire false GBC's "monetary position" is being attacked on many fronts, especially from the the Windle Turley lawsuit. They may not always be in a position to keep dishing out big bonus salaries to keep their alleged faithful flock. And so their entire position is shaky, to say the least. It is kind of like when the King becomes unpopular and is losing power, then he has to pay all his top men a huge salary just to keep them in his camp. At the same time the fact that these false ISKCON gurus have to issue salaries to everyone, even some of the brahmacharis are getting salaries, this proves that as a rule ISKCON people do not have "faith" in these false gurus, they just have faith in the USA dollar, so they want a salary. That means that many people in ISKCON are only worshiping the local guru in return for monetary payment, so there is none or at best not much actual "faith" in these hokey gurus. This is also why Rocana has to make up the names of his supporters, almost no one is supporting Rocana/ SDG's bogus "living guru" process anymore.

At the same time what is evolving is that more people even in ISKCON are saying, we only have faith in the founder acharya and not the Rocana/ SDG herd of post-1977 false gurus, who keep dropping by the wayside like flies. That means our "Prabhupadanuga" idea is gaining traction. In sum, the intelligent class in ISKCON are starting to realize that one cannot manage a spiritual society by giving everyone a big salary, especially when there is a huge cloud of lawsuits floating over the heads of the pay-masters, and so the whole payment process is in doubt. And now some of the big ISKCON leaders are squeaking like stuck pigs, "We were going to pay Windle Turley with the sale of some ISKCON real estate, and now the USA Real estate market is in the tank, how are we going to get the money now, oh boo freaking hooo."

9) "NO NAME" GURU? Anyway, notice that Rocana does exactly what the bogus GBC and his hero SDG are doing: he also never gives us "the name" of the specific guru he is promoting, at all? Rocana is simply imitating Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, "you have to worship a living guru, but we cannot tell you who he is, maybe it is Pee Wee Herman or Santa Claus." That is what Jayadvaita says as well. Anyway, as we stated earlier, all this is a very good sign for us. It means our idea is taking hold. We have exposed the bogus GBC and Rocana's "gurus" so badly that all of these "backers and promoters" such as SDG, Jayadvaita, Rocana, Kailasha et al. they are ALL collectively reluctant to "name" anyone as the guru they support because we have exposed their previous gurus as frauds.

Notice: as soon as the bogus GBC, SDG and other deviants create a policy to no longer specify the name of the guru they support, then Rocana, Kundali and Kailasha follow the same exact pattern. This proves that Rocana and Kailasha are simply clones of the bogus GBC and SDG. Whatever SDG's team says says, OK count for five seconds, then Rocana and Kailasha start to mimic and repeat the same slogans. In sum, when the bogus GBC recently said that "you have to promote the local living guru," they did not name any specific gurus, and neither will Rocana, since Rocana was apparently instructed by SDG's ilk to stay mum on naming any guru. This is no coincidence, Rocana has become a disciple of SDG and he has rejected Srila Prabhupada's teachings.

Then again it seems that Rocana's "Balavidya dasa" and "Parampara dasa" (these are not real people but pen names for Rocana or Kailash) they also never gives the name of their guru either, so they are all following the process established by SDG: There is some vague notion or claim that there is a guru out there somewhere, maybe, but they never tell us exactly who or where he is? So this is all bluffing. The only thing they know for sure is that worship of Srila Prabhupada is some horrible "ritvikism," which is what Rocana's leader SDG says.

10) ISKCON: NOT MANAGEABLE? Meanwhile, many of the post-1977 second echelon leaders of ISKCON have dutifully promoted the "local GBC guru," only to find that when the "local" (zonal?) guru bloops and/or is exposed in scandals, it makes it hard to manage the temple -- at all. Simultaneously, some very senior ISKCON devotees have found themselves out on the street without a penny after doing 30 years of service, or they are in dreadful medical condition with no help from ISKCON leaders, since the policy is to exploit, not to help the citizens. More people are being made aware of this policy and so they are rejecting the ISKCON gurus process. In other words, the Rocana/ SDG false guru process does not work practically for ISKCON in the long haul. There is in sum no overall scheme to help the citizens, there are just a few elite "gurus" getting all the perks, travel expenses and medical benefits, this is not practical for a spiritual society, it is more like a dictator cult, and many people are waking up to this fact and rejecting this process. Rocana is beating a dead horse, there is little or no interest in Rocana/ SDG's "living gurus."

This is why there is growing sympathy for our idea even in ISKCON, it is a practical way to keep the society united by the worship of one acharya, rather than by worship of a boat load of false acharyas who siphon off all the money, and seem to be unable to follow the basics in most cases. More good news is that support for the first (post-1977) and second (post-1985-"reformed") wave of GBC gurus is crashing on the beach more and more.

11) ROCANA ASSUMING SDG's WRITING POST. Thus the bogus guru project's big scholars, writers and defenders are falling by the wayside, and recent cheer leaders like Mukunda swami, Umapati swami, Ravindra Swarupa, Jayadvaita swami, Hrdayananda swami and others are almost not writing anything at all anymore, being frustrated that almost no one is following their system. And so when Rocana wanted to re-join ISKCON recently in Portland Oregon, he was apparently given the dirty job of defending their homosexual and pedophile guru lineage. In sum Rocana is now taking over the writing post formerly held by SDG.

Hmmmm, Rocana sounds like SDG, talks like SDG, walks like SDG, cites SDG, has the same siddhanta as SDG, uses the same identical points of argument as SDG, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, etc. And so we find that SDG is now talking through his puppets Rocana/ Kailasha and their pen names like Parampara dasa, who still says what SDG says, that worship of Srila Prabhupada is apa-siddhanta and not found in shastra. Again notice, this is not new, rather this is EXACTLY what Tamal and SDG were saying in 1978. Rocana and Kailiash only speak what has already been forwarded by their puppet master SDG. Also notice that while we cannot worship Srila Prabhupada since this is "the posthumous church deviation," we need to worship someone else, OK someone like Tamal, SDG, Rocana, Kailasha, Bhakti Marga and so on. Again all of Rocana's rhetoric was forwarded all along by Tamal and SDG.

12) "HIPPIES" ARE SRILA PRABHUPADA's EQUALS: Rocana: "Among those who greeted Srila Prabhupada was Mukunda, who is now a swami running the ISKCON Communications group. It's interesting to note that Mukunda is depicted here in the Lilamrta as the ultimate hippie. He was still dressed in hippie attire at this point, when Srila Prabhupada arrived. Today he's among the most conservative of all the ISKCON leaders and in fact, runs their whole propaganda department. It's his business to make everyone look super clean and nice, although he's depicted here as quite the opposite."

[PADA: And as soon as Srila Prabhupada departed, Rocana joined with SDG said that these hippies are Srila Prabhupada's successor equals. Rocana/ Kailasha are still saying that the hippies are meant to be viewed as "diksha gurus" since they say "we need to find the next (hippie) guru." Oddly, Mukunda swami was made a guru by SDG and Rocana thinks this system is valid since he supports Mukunda's cohort, Bhakti Marga swami.]

** ROCANA: Today we begin a new volume of the Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta, Volume 3, which author Satsvarupa titles "Only He Could Lead Them". He starts with a Forward by Dr. Stillson Judah, who did meet Srila Prabhupada on a number of occasions and was favorable from an academic's point of view. However, he definitely has no realization of who Srila Prabhupada is from a spiritual point of view. He never really participated in Krsna consciousness and as such, his Forward amplifies the perception that Satsvarupa himself is giving of who Srila Prabhupada is.

13) PADA: Rocana/ SDG "MINIMIZES SRILA PRABHUPADA." Dr. Stilson Judah told PADA editor personally that he does not agree with the Rocana/ Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami (SDG)/ Kailash/ Sridhara Maharaja "making neophytes into living gurus" scheme. Dr. Judah said to us -- he instead agrees only with Srila Prabhupada, that the ISKCON followers are ONLY qualified to be nominated as administrators and not gurus. Rocana says that we should follow the bogus post-1977 authorities, namely Tamal and Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami's idea, "worship of Srila Prabhupada is the bogus ritvik idea and we need to worship the living guru," and Rocana and his mentor SDG have provided many deviants for us worship instead of Srila Prabhupada. Dr. Judah says that the Rocana/ SDG idea is not only bogus from a religious point of view, it is offensive because it tries to minimize Srila Prabhupada. In sum, Dr. Judah was aware that Rocana and SDG's team were trying to push Srila Prabhupada out of his seat and put themselves or their pals into his seat. That is what he told us was going on.

14) "WATCH YOUR BACK." Furthermore, Dr. Judah said that it was clear that Rocana/ Tamal/ Kailasha/ SDG's plan of violating the order to make "an administrative body" was causing ISKCON to descend into chaos, anarchy and lawless-ness. This is the real reason that Rocana/ SDG and Kailasha do not like Dr. Judah, he wanted us to expose that their scheme was turning ISKCON into a dangerous criminal empire. No wonder Rocana is critical of Dr. Judah, anyone who sympathizes with the victims, and who wants to worship Srila Prabhupada "has no realization." Indeed, Dr. Judah said that was what Srila Prabhupada did, he had only made a board of administration and not "eleven guru successors." Dr. Judah furthermore told us to "watch your back" because the Rocana/ SDG false guru cadre might -- kill us, for opposing their false guru process. Clearly, Dr. Judah does understand the situation, while Rocana/ Kailasha/ SDG still do not, i.e. Srila Prabhupada is the messiah and some of his childish and foolish followers have been trying to usurp his guru position both physically and philosophically.

15) JAYADVAITA (SDG) GLORIFIES ROCANA. Rocana backed the deviant theology of the usurpers (SDG), and he still does. The false ISKCON messiah project has been getting cheer leading support from the Rocana sector all along. Indeed Jayadvaita swami recently praised Rocana for "defeating the ritviks." And no wonder, Jayadvaita says the Rocana/ SDG "guru" project is "engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children." The proponents of "gurus having illicit sex with men, women and children" are in love with Rocana, SDG, Kailasha, etc. This means clearly that Rocana is not only initially responsible for the buggery messiah's project, he is still their main cheer leader. This is how Rocana/ SDG/ Jayadvaita team "defeat Srila Prabhupada's worship," they put criminals and child molesters into Srila Prabhupada's seat and forced the children to worship their abomination. Rocana/ SDG caused the mass molesting in ISKCON thereby. These deviants are the root cause of this problem, they suppressed the worship of the acharya, and thereby suppressed his order to manage the society, and as such: criminals and child molests were worshiped under the vociferous rhetoric of Rocana/ Tamal/ SDG.

16) WORSHIP OF DEVIANTS "DEFEATS PRABHUPADA WORSHIP." Rocana and SDG still claim that their "illicit sex with men, women and children" guru process "defeats the worship of Srila Prabhupada." Now that SDG has stepped down as the main "writer of wrongs," Rocana and Kailasha have emerged as the main writers to defend the false guru process. NOTICE, Dr. Judah was quite aware that the Rocana/ SDG "false guru cadre" could ban, beat and assassinate us "dissenters" because these false guru cadres have deviated in this pattern throughout history. Dr. Judah went on to explain to us that such false messiah out croppings as the Rocana/ SDG party are quite common in both Western and Eastern history, as are their tactics of oppressing the doubters with violence.

17) Dr. Stilson Judah exposes Rocana/ SDG's "ANTINOMIANISM." Rocana tries to downplay Dr. Judah's scholarly, astute and accurate historical analysis. Simply stated, Dr. Judah does not agree with the Rocana/ Kailasha/ SDG cadre, that the followers of Srila Prabhupada are fit to be "initiating gurus" (i.e. worshiped as Jesus-like saints). Rocana still pounds the drum for the idea that many, all or some of Srila Prabhupada's followers are fit to be diksha gurus, in sum they are fit to act in the capacity of acharyas and Jesus-like messiahs, but Dr. Judah said this is all a very dangerous concoction which he told us is called "antinomianism" -- "lawless behavior in the name of religion."

Rocana is still upset that Dr. Judah was able to identify Rocana/ Kailasha/ SDG as spiritual frauds, and identify that their team has promoted of lawless criminals (and thus crimes such as child molesting) -- in the name of guru and Srila Prabhupada's and Krishna's "successors." Dr. Judah is correct, the Rocana/ SDG/ Kailasha/ Sridhara Maharaja plan is "antinomianism." ISKCON rapidly deteriorated into a criminal enterprise and child exploiting cult under the Rocana/ Kailasha/ SDG/ Sridhara Maharaja scheme. Antinomianism.

18) ROCANA/ SDG ATTACKS SCHOLARS. Rocana is simply upset that scholars who were dear to Srila Prabhupada were able to expose and identify spiritual criminals like Rocana/ SDG and their plan to make ISKCON a "lawless anarchy in the name of religion." In sum, Dr. Judah's idea is that Rocana/ SDG are co-criminals for their supporting other criminals as messiahs. Srila Prabhupada explains Rocana/ SDG's position quite clearly in the Isopanisad, fools (Rocana/ Kailasha) make another fool into an acharya, and in this way they are destined for the most obnoxious regions, way worse than the ordinary materialist. Rocana now claims that because he and SDG helped make pedophiles into messiahs, he has "defeated" the worship of Srila Prabhupada. Pedophile worship "deafeats" the worship of Srila Prabhupada? No wonder Kailasha Chandra has become the captain of this ship of fools. Anyway, it is simple, they are criminals, antinomianists, in the name of religionists.]

19) Rocana/ SDG: SRILA PRABHUPADA IS AN ORDINARY MAN. ROCANA: Satsvarupa is a little more schizophrenic in this regard. On one hand, he's saying things which make Srila Prabhupada appear to be something other than an ordinary human being -- someone who is accessible.

[PADA: Rocana has the identical schizophrenia and "guru is dead" philosophy as Satsvarupa. Rocana and Satsvarupa both agree that Srila Prabhupada is "the sampradaya acharya," but that anyone who promotes Srila Prabhupada as the sampradaya acharya is "a mundane sentimentalist, bogus church idea, posthumous -- dead body worshiper, deviant from shastra." Notice that Rocana says that the main concept that separates an ordinary man from Srila Prabhupada is that the guru is "someone who is still accessible" after he departs -- just like Jesus is still accessible and is being worshiped.

Yet simultaneously (schizophrenically?) Rocana then contradicts himself and fully agrees with Satsvarupa -- that Srila Prabhupada is an ordinary man who is -- no longer accessible after he departs -- because according to Rocana and Satsvarupa "Srila Prabhupada does not mince his words to say that gurus are posthumous, dead and gone," never mind Srila Prabhupada never said gurus are dead and gone? And where exactly does Srila Prabhupada say he agrees with Rocana and Satsvarupa that "Jesus is posthumous." Rather Rocana and Kailasha are mimicking the term coined by Sstsvarupa, "posthumous guru."

Rocana and Kailash are simply the best disicples of Satsvarupa. There is absolutely no difference between Rocana's "posthumous guru" preaching and Satsvarupa's. In short, if we say "Srila Prabhupada is accessible after he departs, then anyone who promotes that idea (like the ritviks), is citing the bogus Church rascals, because Srila Prabhupada is an ordinary man, he is no longer accessible, he is posthumous." Rocana is simply Satsvarupa's best clone. Why is Rocana making pretend he opposes Satsvarupa when he is the best disciple of Satsvarupa? The ordinary man is posthumous, and so is Srila Prabhupada, Rocana is saying that Srila Prabhupada is not accessible, he is posthumous, which is what his hero SDG says. And then SDG said that pedophiles are like Jesus, and Rocana has pounded the drum for that as well. Why do Rocana and SDG hate Jesus?]

20) ORDINARY MEN ARE ACHARYAS. ROCANA: The underlying message, of course, is that someone/anyone, and particularly Satsvarupa and his Zonal Acaryas, could achieve Srila Prabhupada's level of spirituality and Krsna consciousness in due course of time.

[PADA: This concept is the Rocana/ Kailasha/ Satsvarupa main theme, "Srila Prabhupada is an ordinary man, he is posthumous, but what he really wanted was for his NEOPHYTE and UNQUALIFIED disciples to claim that they are equal to Jesus and that they can absorb the sins of the new followers, in sum Srila Prabhupada wanted his followers to act in the capacity of initiating acharyas and imitate the acharyas." No, Srila Prabhupada says that this is sahajiya and Gaudiya Matha deviation.

In other words, Rocana is catapulting the ordinary neophyte to the level of acharya. Of course Rocana thinks Bhatki Marga swami is a guru because he wastes thousands of dollars a month "walking accross Canada," trailed by his followers driving in a car at great expense. So if one can "walk around Canada -- wasting tons of Krishna's money," then both Satsvarupa and Rocana think that makes one the next Jesus. Did we forget to mention that Bhakti Marga's "zone" is Canada and thus Rocana is still promoting SDG's zonal gurus?]

21) JESUS IS POSTHUMOUS? ROCANA: "From Dr. Judah's point of view, Srila Prabhupada is obviously an important historical figure and an exceptional personality who achieved extraordinary things. But at the same time, he doesn't even hint at the fact that there's such a thing as a nitya-siddha maha-bhagavata representative of God, or that Srila Prabhupada is on the same spiritual level as Jesus or any great spiritual personality."

[PADA: Rocana is again confuting himself and citing Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami (SDG). He says that Srila Prabhupada is "equal to Jesus" and that Jesus deserves to be worshiped even today by the ritvik system, but as soon as we worship Jesus or Srila Prabhupada, we are "the posthumous Church of deviants." Rocana thinks the worship of Jesus is bogus because they are not worshiping his pals, voted in by the pedophile's lineage, like Bhakti Marga swami. You cannot worship Jesus but only those who are voted in by Satsvarupa's child molester guru pals, that is what both Rocana and Satsvarupa agree upon. Rocana never actually tells us where Satsvarupa's idea trails off and Rocana's begins. Notice also that Rocana is now attacking Jesus, Srila Prabhupada is posthumous, and because he is like Jesus, Jesus too is posthumous. Unfortunately, Rocana has never driven his car around San Francisco, otherwise he would see people's bumper stickers "Jesus Lives."]

22) DRUG USING GURUS? ROCANA: Of course, he likes to emphasize the phenomenon of Srila Prabhupada going into the real hip areas of both New York and San Francisco, and saving or converting the drug-addicted hippies. In a sense is true, but it's also a very superficial perception. As a Canadian youth of that era, I experienced the whole hippie phenomenon, which had spread throughout the world. At the same time, most of the people that I knew who were involved in the Krsna consciousness movement weren't drug addicted. Yes, they experimented with recreational drugs, but for the most part they were sincere seekers. There were far more of these types joining the movement then there were the drug-addicted variety of hippies.

[PADA: Oh this is great, a number of the post-1977 gurus that Rocana and Satsvarupa have been promoting were hippies and sometimes "recreational drug users." Notice the convoluted preaching here, (a) the ISKCON followers are ex-hippies and drug users, (b) they are gurus, (c) Satsvarupa and Rocana say the guru is equal to Jesus, and (d) Rocana's gurus are sometimes going back to their hippie ways and they are -- taking drugs? Of course if we do not want to worship Rocana and SDG's drug addict Jesus-like guru process, we are a bogus Church of ritvikism fools because we worship Srila Prabhupada.

ROCANA: Satsvarupa goes on to give an introduction, which includes a brief summary of what he's already written in the previous two volumes. His condensed version convinces me that all my previous comments were very accurate. Satsvarupa, the Zonal Acarya sannyasi, presents Srila Prabhupada in a very demeaning way, even though I doubt that at the time, or even today, he thinks of it in that way.

[PADA: Yet Rocana agrees with the very same demeaning statements that Satsvarupa is writing. Satsvarupa says that Srila Prabhupada is a deviant because he wanted a Governing Body and not gurus, Rocana agrees, Satsvarupa says Srila Prabhupada is posthumous, Rocana agrees. Satsvarupa says that worship of Srila Prabhupada is the bogus Church idea, Rocana writes a paper giving exactly the same conclusion, ... can Rocana tell us where he disagrees with Satsvarupa? No, they have the same foundational ideas. And in 1990 Kailasha Chandra wrote a paper defending the worship of pedophiles, oddly Kailasha was such a coward even then he signed his document "Anonymous devotees of ISKCON," but we all know that he had compromised with Satsvarupa because some ISKCON leaders had promised to get him a wife. Kailasha burns out women by mistreating them. Oddly, after SDG burned out Jadurani then Kailasha burned out the same woman. Kailasha is simply following SDG in all respects, SDG burned out Jadurani, the Kailasha imitates and her burns out the same woman, SDG says Srila Prabhupada is posthumous, Kailasha imitates, no wonder Rocana loves this person!]



please also see:

Rocana's Masquerade The Sampradaya Sun Exposé
Rocana's Posthumous Church - The Church Of Ritvik
Rocana's and Iskcons bogus philosophy - PADA DEBATES ROCANA
Reply to Rocana dasa's speculation about chanting mantras and preaching in South India


Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!