Mock debate between Pada and Narayana Maharaja

Narayana Maharaja
Date: 13. Apr. 2000

From: (pada)

Narayana Maharaja was fully aware that the GBC had one "guru" who had been caught engaged in homosexual acts with men and boys. He also knew that this homosexual pedophile had been "reinstated" as "Vishnupada" (a pure devotee like Jesus) in 1986. So he was called upon to show how the pure devotees who are like Jesus might have such inclinations, and he did, by helping the GBC with their "re-initiations" program.

According to the new program hammered out with the GBC and Narayana Maharaja, sometimes folks like Jesus have illicit sex with men, women and children. However, if they have performed a "banana throwing ceremony," they have done the job that can only be performed by a person like Jesus, they have "given diksha." Naturally, Narayana Maharaja has never explained how a homosexual pedophile, posing as a saint, can "take away the sins" of another person (perform diksha) by some bogus ceremony?

In order to understand some of these issues more clearly, we have made a mock debate between PADA and Narayana Maharaja.

Mock debate between PADA and Narayana Maharaja

PADA: In 1986, you re-affirmed the notion that the GBC are "diksha gurus." That means they are like Jesus, since only someone on that level can absorb other's sins (ksha). It was also well known that they were saying that they are pure devotees: like Jesus. Srila Prabhupada also confirms that the diksha guru does accept the follower's sins: like Jesus. And moreover, the GBC gurus were saying in the publications that they were like Jesus. Yet, as we all knew by 1980, and what to speak of by 1986, they were making drug addicts, sex fiends, and known homosexuals into their "diksha gurus." They were juxtaposing homosexual pedophiles and gurus like Jesus. And therefore some of us were protesting, saying that they were only supposed to be priests, at best, and not gurus worshipped like Jesus. Yet you opposed us and defended the GBC?

NM: Yes, I accepted that Tamal and his colleagues were diksha gurus anyways. They are not minor representatives, they are gurus. I said that from 1986 until the mid 1990s, and I have not publicly changed that view.

PADA: And what evidence do you have that these GBCs are, were, or could have been diksha gurus like Srila Prabhupada and Jesus, as they have claimed?

NM: Tamal told me that he is the successor guru to Krishna, and as such he is worshipped as the sum total of the demigods, and I endorsed him as a guru. I have no actual evidence to support that. I assumed.

PADA: There is no evidence. Yet did you at least ask for any proof, such as a letter from Srila Prabhupada? And did you not know that Tamal had already admitted that his "guru appointment" claim was a big cheating lie? And since they were making homosexuals into gurus, does this not prove that they are bogus? And did not your "priya-bandhu guru" associate, Sridhara Maharaja, also make a homosexual into a guru in 1936? And did not Srila Prabhupada call this "the severe offender's" camp? And then Sridhara Maharaja later endorsed the GBC's homosexuals as gurus? And after that, you said that Sridhara Maharaja is a bona fide acharya --knowing that he supported two homosexual guru factions? And both of these factions banned, beat and killed dissidents?

NM: I never saw any proof that they are gurus, but I still said that they are. Yes, since Sridhara Maharaja also accepted that they are diksha gurus I accepted his authority. Indeed, I say he too is a pure guru. We all know that Sridhara Maharaja helped the GBC formulate their annual "two-thirds show-of-hands vote for more gurus like Jesus." And I helped the GBC institute this and similar dogmas after 1986, with extensive consultations with Satsvarupa, Tamal, Sivarama and others, up to perhaps 1993.

PADA: Yes, but Sridhara had made a homosexual guru lineage in 1936? And he endorsed the GBC's homosexual guru's lineage in 1978? So, he does not seem to know what a guru is? Moreover, Srila Prabhupada told us Sridhara Maharaja does not understand what a bona fide guru is? Srila Prabhupada also rejected Sridhara Maharaja's: guru appointing, guru voting, guru rubber stamping, guru excommunicating and so on? He said these ecclesiastical processes are bogus?

Nor has any of you ever explained: why is the acharya in need of the "votes" of homosexuals and pedophiles in any case? We would say, no. And why have you never explained to us why you have supported the GBC just after they had said that a homosexual pedophile is --like Jesus? And that these homosexuals and pedophiles are required to rubber stamp more gurus --like Jesus? Where do you people find this in shastra?

Jesus is our original guru here in the West. Why are we supporting the people who hate and insult him, people who are attacking him with malicious, vicious, hideous rumors and innuendo if not direct blasphemy? Homosexual pedophiles, and Jesus? And you supported that party after 1986? And I thought that party was going to kill me? And it would have been auspicious for me if they had? And you said that they are your idea of --gurus? Krishna's successors? And you vehemently deny that they are only proxies, at best? Indeed, they cited you for years as their proof that their (homsexual pedophile) deviant's lineage are gurus?

NM: Well, we in the Gaudiya Matha accept Sridhara's authority over Srila Prabhupada's. As for the GBC's linking homosexual pedophiles to "Jesus, Haridasa thakura and Prahlad," Sridhara was well aware they were doing that. Indeed, he had said in 1978 that the GBC should be viewed as "nikunya yuno," "Radharani's servants," in short: conjugal assistants to God's consort. Sridhara was later on told how the GBC were having illicit sex, and worse, and yet he had said that gurus sometimes become mad after many followers, illicit sex, and money. And I support Sridhara Maharaja's view, since I say that he is an acharya. Moreover, Sridhara Maharaja said that we cannot diminish the faith of the disciple of these false gurus by exposing them. So, yes, you could have been killed by his preaching. So what?

PADA: Why are we mixing homosexuals and --the nikunya yuno conjugal love of God platform? Is this not sahajiya? And you were teaching these homosexual pedophile "guru" reinstators about --the gopis, the conjugal love of God platform? In 1986, the GBC reinstated a known homosexual pedophile as a guru to be worshipped as "Vishnupada." As good as God's feet? Yet, Satsvarupa says that you were helping them form up their "reinitiation" doctrine, in sum, saying that these homosexual pedophiles gave diksha? Like Jesus? Your name was mentioned by them at the time, and is mentioned in his writings. And you name is extensively mentioned as teaching the homosexual pedophile guru party about --conjugal love of God? The gopis? You were advertised as their (rasika) guru for many years?

NM: That is correct, I was helping the GBC with their doctrines, and I have never publicly denied it despite people like yourself asking me about it from time immemorial. I did support the GBC as diksha gurus. And we all know that their idea is: that homosexual pedophiles gave diksha. And that you need to get "another diksha" from the people who were "voted in as gurus" by the homosexual pedophile's team. You have asked me about this over and over, and I have nothing further to add. Moreover, I helped them with their "gopi bhava" (conjugal love of God) club, and other teachings, after they reinstated the homosexual pedophile as "Vishnupada." This is too well documented to deny, and I know that you have the more than 70 letters exchanged by GBC leaders on this "rasika" topic.

PADA: Sridhara Maharaja advised the GBC to vote in new acharyas every year at Mayapura. He also said that diksha gurus can be: voted in, voted out, suspended, excommunicated or reinstated. He even said that if people are envious of the original eleven gurus, then they should be "voted in" as gurus to pacify them. Where does Srila Prabhupada approve of this "guru by rubber-stamp," "voting in the envious to be worshipped like Jesus," "reinstating (pedophiles)" as gurus and so on and so forth?

NM: Your Srila Prabhupada has not understood things correctly, our ideas are better.

PADA: In 1986, when you started to back the GBC, this put myself and my friends back's up against the wall. Perhaps, thanks in part to your backing the GBC, they became emboldened. And so they went on and murdered my friend and they wanted to murder me. They also continued their child molesting program which we were trying to halt, because people like you were blocking our opposition? Would you like to apologize to any of us for your role in supporting these thugs, perverts and crooks as diksha gurus?

NM: As I have said before, no comment.

PADA: When we tried to point out that Srila Prabhupada had said he was poisoned, you resisted this vehemently. You have still not made a public clarification of this issue. Since you are supposed to be the senior man on these issues, people are shocked that you have made no public comments on this issue?

NM: No comment

PADA: In 1990, you were quoted as saying that the three named (by Srila Prabhupada) deviants of the Gaudiya Matha are acharyas, pure devotees like Jesus? The founder of the homosexual's worship in 1936 is a pure devotee? The black ferocious snake is a pure devotee? The insulter of Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee? The person who backed the GBC's homosexual pedophile pooja in 1978 is a pure devotee: a guru?

NM: I know, that is what it said.

PADA: In 1988, Gaura Govinda swami wrote a paper for the GBC called "Guru Tattva" wherein he says that our Vaishnava gurus are sometimes demons (asuras). Where does Srila Prabhupada say that Krishna's guru parampara is populated by the demons? Why would we try to say that Jesus is really Satan? Gurusuh narah matih --narakah sah? Moreover, Gaura Govinda swami told me personally that the GBC's reinstating a known homosexual pedophile as a guru is "totally demoniac." So, why did he (and you?) continue to support them as gurus if you knew they were acting "totally demoniac"?

Are the gurus, Krishna's successors, total demons? His followers also told me that he had said that Kali yuga had entered the highest places of ISKCON, i.e. the gurus? How can we say that the acharyas, God's successors, are Kali Yuga personified? Is Krishna really Kali yuga? What are you people trying to say here? Jesus is --just like a homosexual pedophile? Krishna's successor is --just like an demon, an asura? The parampara is filled with poison snakes, vipers, cockroaches, maggots, flies and child sex mongers? I fail to comprehend your people's real agenda here?

And Gaura Govinda swami also said that you and he were close friends and that you agreed on many of these issues? Is this true? And if so, where does shastra says that our acharyas are: demons? Kali Yuga? Are not these "demon gurus" the people who were artificially made into gurus be other deviants? Doesn't the Isopanisad explain that the demon gurus are made by the veda-vada-ratas, the deviants? And if Tamal or his cronies are acting like demons, making homosexuals into gurus, why have we been trying to say that he is a guru? That proves he is not a guru? Why make up the idea that he is a guru and gurus are demons? Kali Yuga: is the acharya?

NM: I'll have to get back to you on that one.

PADA: So, if a guru is like Jesus...

NM: Why do you keep talking about Jesus?

PADA: You have to understand maharaja, that he is our original standard for guru here in the West. Srila Prabhupada said that Jesus is our guru, that Jesus is his brother, that Jesus saved the West, that he could be killed like Jesus was, and so on. So, if you are going to have another "guru" here in the West, he simply has to have a high standard because we already have a bench mark standard to go by.

The GBC's idea that homosexuals if not pedophiles can be God's successors, diksha gurus who can absorb sins like Jesus, and they are even advertised as Jesus, this will never work here in the West. We already have a higher standard. We will stick with Srila Prabhupada and his brother, Jesus. And in sum, the pedophile's guru lineage will never, ever, make any headway here. Of course in India we have so many bogus gurus and incarnations that the villagers will accept there, but not here.

You should consider it very, very lucky that I have not broadcast that your GBC's "guru" party has linked homosexual pedophiles to Jesus and that you jumped on board as their "rasika guru" at that point, or you would all be very severely condemned all over the planet.
Of course it may come to that state anyway, by forces out of our control.

NM: As I have said before, no comment.

PADA: Thank you, maunam samyam raksati.

(end mock debate)

Dear Narayana Maharaja, Please do reply to this letter. We would like to know where you stand.



From: PADA-Newsletter, dated: March 07, 2004


Puranjana (I wont use "prabhu" after your name because you dont have the backbone to use "maharaja" even after Srila Sridhara Maharaja's name): I will say dandavats, from a distance, as you are spewing out a lot disinformation and garbage ...known amongst devotees as aparadha.

[PADA: Srila Prabhupada said that the Bagh Bazaar party are the "severe offenders" and that Sridhara Maharaja is a founder of that group.]

* I could reply to all of your lame accusations, but I have to really consider is it worth even trying to change or soften your steellframed heart. You are a bitter bitter person.

[PADA: Just about everyone who has come in contact with Sridhara's false guru lineages is "bitter," not just us? So, now you are saying we should --not-- be bitter with Sridhara maharaja's deviant and homosexual "guru projects"? We should endorse these deviations? We should be happy that, due to his policies -- devotees of God were banned, beaten, molested and killed? Devotees were "crucified," killed on the sacrificial altar of Sridhara maharaja's homosexual worship project. Sorry, Srila Prabhupada was also "bitterly opposed" to ALL false guru projects including Sridhara Maharaja's. He said they are bogus, and worse. However, notice below in your article you finally agree with PADA that Sridhara maharaja's GBC guru lineage is "corrupt and material." So it has taken some of you folks maybe 25 years -- yet finally at least you agree with PADA. Thus we had to be "bitter" otherwise you would still be thinking you are correct to promote the GBC's false guru lineage. We had to expose your bogus guru lineage. Thus, our "bitterness" worked, since you also now agree with us at this point: that Sridhara maharaja's policy of deviants "wearing the uniform" and posing as messiahs and gurus is "corrupt and material." We are the ones who changed YOUR hearts, since you now agree with us. So our policy works, whether you call us ill names or not -- we convinced even you. We "softened" your party's stand.

Of course Sridhara maharaja's successor, Tripurari/ Tom Beaudry still promotes GBC gurus like Virabahu since he was "certified as the next messiah" at the 1986 recoronation of a known homosexual pedophile guru. So Tripurari still supports Sridhara maharaja's "homosex in the holy dham guru lineage" as bona fide. And since Bhavananda is supposedly one of the "Chelsea Girls" in Andy Warhol's homosexual movie, that is also why Tripurari still supports this lineage and Bhavananda's successors like Virabahu. Tripurari has a very strict policy: he only endorses Andy Warhol's disciples such as the Chelesa Girls types, or their appointed successors like Virabahu, as his messiah's guru lineage. Thus, some of your party is STILL saying that Sridhara Maharaja's successors can support: the "corrupt and material" -- as co-fellow messiahs and their bogus Chelsea Girl's guru lineage worship in the Holy Dham? Tripurari still thinks that homosexual pedophile guru recoronation certificates are bona fide for his GBC "guru" pals. Your party is not being consistent? You say the GBC lineage is "corrupt and material" while Tripurari still associates with that lineage and props them up as his idea of "messsiah / gurus." So Tripurari is still bringing homosexual worship to the holy dham, since after all, he was begging them and licking the boots of Andy Warhol's Chelsea Girl's lineage to vote him in as one of their co-members.

So this sounds "bitter" to you: but it is simply pointing to your own contaminated contradictions and hypocrisy. Our pointing that out is "bitterness"? That means you are bitter that your party is being exposed. In short, either Bhavananda's Chelsea Girls GBC guru lineage (and its appointed successors like Virabahu) is bona fide, as Tripurari claims, or it is "corrupt and material" as you claim. Tripurari still preaches in ISKCON temples that Sridhara Maharaja's post 1977 Chelsea Girl's guru lineage is bona fide. Thus, you folks are the "bitter" ones since we point out "you cannot have it both ways." So the reason you "do not reply" is really that: you cannot. You do not have any standardized siddhanta/ policy on these points. You do not even agree with Sridhara maharaja's appointed successor, Tripurari, to start with? You de facto say that Tripurari's idea of support for the GBC's (i.e. Bhavananda's) guru lineage is "corrupt and material." So you are attacking your own "appointed by Sridhara maharaja" acharyas. And what of this:

Prabhupada: That was the policy of Madhava Maharaja and Sridhara Maharaja, that "Although Bhaktivedanta Swami is propagating throughout, he is subordinate to us, under our instruction." So all these three...
Tamala Krishna: A real dream world they are living in.
Bhavananda: Here they have even included our temple in their domain. "The headquarters extends for over a mile with beautiful temples and paddy fields." When we put up our wall, then they will not be able to include us.

Is Prabhupada "bitter" that he mentions that his God brothers are thinking they are his "superiors"? Was Jesus also "bitter" with the Pharisees, so much so, this imperiled his life. Sridhara folks have never even heard about Jesus? Lord Chaitanya was also very "bitter" with the mayavadis, the sahajiyas and so on and so forth. That is the process. By the way, thousands of children were molested by Sridhara Maharaja's idea: that children have to worship homosexual pedophiles as their messiah -- in the holy dham. The "holy dham" became a huge "rape house" for Krishna's children -- thanks in large part -- to folks like Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's deviant policy of supporting this molester guru lineage. Not only are many of these children now "bitter," some of them are having severe problems. We cannot simply "wave off" all these problems generated by Sridhara and Narayana Maharaja's false messiah lineages as insignificant "bitterness." Where is your, even mention, of your policy's victims?

The problems Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's deviant policy created are real-life imbroglios for real people. The Sridhara or Narayana maharaja clan does not even care for the thousands of victims of Sridhara maharaja's policies which he either generated or endorsed. We are not supposed to be "bitter" when Krishna's Vaishnava devotees are banned, beat, mass molested and killed? This is "heartless" in toto. Krishna is Himself "bitter" with people like the Kauravas for mistreating His devotees. And so Krishna said, "ALL of them have to die, for attacking My devotees." Krishna is a "bitter" person? Sridhara maharaja's idea is that Krishna is a steel framed heart -- because He dislikes having His devotees attacked? And He severely punishes the aggressors...

You folks think your victims do not exist? Sorry, they do. For example I was chased down the street with aluminum baseball bats by the goonda club Sridhara supported as his idea of messiahs. I said simply, "child molesters are not gurus and should not be worshipped in the holy dham," and was nearly killed as thanks, just as Sridhara Maharaja got us type of "dissenters" assassinated for objecting to his 1936 false messiahs. What gives Sridhara or Narayana maharajas the authority to orchestrate having me, or anyone else, chased down the street with baseball bats, what to speak of their policy's subsequent mass banning, beating, molesting? Srila Prabhupada says, Sridhara Maharaja HAS NO AUTHORITY to do these things. We say, the holy dham should not be polluted, and as a result we are being chased with baseball bats, while Sridhara maharaja clan chuckles at the molesting and beatings they are causing, "oh we are form breakers"? Read: "Baseball bat head breakers." "Anal reconstructive surgery breakers." Etc. And your "messiahs" poisoned our guru maharaja -- it seems? Form breaker, guru breaker, holy dham breaker, and you are very evidently -- proud of that? Linking the abominable behavior of Andy Warhol's Chelsea Girls homosexual orgy -- to acharyas/ i.e. messiahs like Jesus? And you are proud of that?]

* All of your accusations show you never had any association with Srila Sridhara Maharaja to understand his soft heart.

[PADA: First of all, we never accused Sridhara Maharaja of "not having a soft heart" -- whatever that means. Rather we said that his (siddanta and) policies, that we have to worship deviants as our messiah -- is wrong. And it is. Apart from that, my neighbor is a "soft hearted" pipe welder. Therefore he never recommends that we have to worship deviants as Krishna's successors and "wait and see" as his endorsed deviant messiahs degrade further and further into illicit sex, drugs, rock and roll, child molesting and then orchestrating violence -- and murders to cover their crimes up. Nor would he ever allow this policy to go on is anyone's "holy dham," the way Sridhara maharaja's clan does, because the pipe welder has respect for saints in general and the holy places of any religion.]

* What was the qualification of Srila Sridhara Maharaja? I dont think you have enough guts to look deeper and see. But Srila Sridhara Maharaja on a tape, documented by his own lips, said, "I took shelter of aparadha-bhajana-pat here in Navadvipa Dhama. And I have never left for some sixty years."

[PADA: Yes, Sridhara maharaja's guru Srila Saraswati told him to "go forth and preach" and instead he sat around in one place which Prabhupada says is "joint mess" mentality and "ringing a bell in the temple" That is all very nice for Sridhara Maharaja. Yet notice, Sridhara maharaja also says that the Gaudiya Matha and ISKCON have to take shelter of deviants, including homosexuals, as their messiahs/ diksha gurus and implement the worship of such deviants in the HOLY DHAM. Again, Sridhara maharaja establishes the worship of such deviants as "Krishna's successive messiahs," IN THE HOLY DHAM. Again NOTICE! -- he says we all have to worship his deviant messiahs IN THE HOLY DHAM. He is bringing deviation into the holy dham. So what is the use of his being there? Why didn't he move his deviant messiah project to San Francisco and start a homosexual messiah's worship club over here? He cannot. Why? Because, the people of San Francisco are WAY too smart for his tom-foolery of alleged "spiritual worship." Even the worst case example of homosexuals over here, they do not worship deviants as their messiah. They worship Jesus, a bona fide pure devotee. Sridhara maharaja was startled to hear that Prabhupada had said they are only ringing a bell. So he said, "Well at least we are ringing a bell." Yes, ringing a bell for homosexual worship in the holy dham.

And do not start off now with your typical rant: that PADA is anti-homosexual. Right now for example, AS WE SPEAK (March 2004), we see personally that MANY, many homosexuals and lesbians are standing in line to attend Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus Christ. Many of them are also exiting the theatre looking very moved and obviously feeling extreme empathy for Jesus. Some of them are also crying. But as soon as we say, "Our pure devotee was also crucified with poison," Sridhara's Govinda Maharaja says, "Yes, the poison complaint is valid, ... but I have no comment." He feels nothing and says nothing, just like the GBC, IRM, all of your other heartless crew members, but some of these gays and lesbians, they are out here on the street -- crying with love and empathy -- about their guru, Jesus. That means: they have some feelings for their messiah unlike you steel - framed sabha sector. Thus, in these cases, some homosexuals are WAY more advanced than your party.

Srila Prabhupada says, "Me and Jesus are brothers," and "Just as they killed Jesus they may kill me also." "My only request is, do not torture me ... and put me to death." So Sridhara sat in Mayapura and did not preach, while our Prabhupada did, at his peril. And Prabhupada said he was in the same peril as Jesus. And he was right, he was in the same peril. And as such he was crucified with poison. And when Prabhupada's disciples came to Mayapura, Sridhara contaminated them with the same bogus ideas that he preached in the 1930s, that deviants (and child molesters!) are messiahs. So he tried to ruin Prabhupada's preaching just as he ruined Srila Saraswati's movement. And Sridhara maharaja brings his contaminated messiah ideas into the holy dham. And now that the evidence is out, that "just as Jesus was killed, our guru Prabhupada was killed" Sridhara maharaja folks have "nothing to say." Silent as rocks. Even many San Fransisco gays and lesbians, they have plenty to say. They say: their guru Jesus was mistreated. And he was.

When we announced the poison case in 1997 many GBC "devotees" actually laughed at us, but some nice (karmi?) ladies on roller skates and bikinis, being pulled by their dogs, stopped and asked us for a leaflet. They said, "Oh this man (Prabhupada) said he was being poisoned, HOW AWFUL"! Why do they have such feelings and emotions for the pure devotee? Because: these women are not brainwashed cult members, so that is why they have feelings and emotions for the pure devotees. Tell you Gaudiya Matha folks, or the GBC, or the IRM, the same thing about the poison complaint, and they will spit on the street in disgust, mostly because we are exposing their lack of feeling of any compassion for the poison complaint. These ladies in bikinis are vastly more spiritually advanced than many of your team will become in many lifetimes, since these ladies felt IMMEDIATE empathy and emotion for the pure devotee. Similarly, some pious Christian ladies here in the city, they came out of the Mel Gibson movie about Jesus' crucifixion and they collapsed in a heap on the street crying. And this was such a powerful event, it was reported in the news. These ladies have love and feelings for their guru, not some heartless wenches like your Gaudiya Matha or the GBC and IRM who could not cry about their guru's poison complaint if they were paid ten million dollars to do so. They have no heart. They are, as Sulochana said, "Zombies."

Then again, even these homosexuals and lesbians, practically cent percent of them, they are not going to see some gay pornographic movie at Bhavananda's "Gay-vinda's" restaurant and thinking this is some spiritual process? They understand that "gay porno" is one thing, and their messiah Jesus is another thing. They have the discrimination how to separate these two processes. They never merge "gay porno life," and their messiah -- together as one entity -- as the GBC and Sridhara and Narayana Maharaja's project has. And then the whole world has to worship that odious conglomeration IN THE HOLY DHAM, as the Sridhara maharaja, Tripurari (Tom Beaudry), BV Narayana, BV and BP Puri crew has EVEN forced children to do? These gays and lesbians DO NOT force children to worship molesters and deviants as their messiah ANYWHERE, at any time, -- what to speak of -- in their holy dham.

And then after 1977 Sridhara, Narayana and BV and BP Puri maharajas endorsed the GBC's homosexual pedophile "Vishnupada acharyas." So they "take shelter of the holy dham," so-called, and that is perhaps fine for them. NOTICE! And then they insists that others have to "take shelter" of homosexuals and even pedophiles as their messiah IN THE HOLY DHAM? So they are clearly looking out -- for themselves -- and not others -- or the holy dham? NOTICE! By the way, the GBC's homosexual pedophile guru lineage is still there in the holy dhams (of Mayapura and Vrindavana) contaminating both of those places. Bhavananda and his team are still welcomed and respected in Mayapura along with founder fathers of molester pooja like Jayapataka. So Sridhara and Narayana maharaja have contamined BOTH of our holy dhams by saying these molester guru lineages are bona fide and by their policy of protecting these deviant people. And their team still does not publicly protest and drive these deviants out of the holy dham. So Sridhara and Narayana maharaja bring homosexual worship to the holy dham, how is that helping the holy dham? They are disturbing if not ruining the holy dham. Many of our associates are afraid to even go to the holy dhama, even now, due to Sridhara and Narayana maharajas endorsed violent pedophile "guru lineages," and their propensity to endorse such bogus lineages in the holy dham. And now we have "gay marriage" etc. in the West thanks in part to these polluted things going on in the holy dham -- and from there spreading all over the world thanks to Sridhara and Narayana maharaja and their associates encouraging these polluting processes.]

* And then he then smiled, "That is my only qualification..."

[PADA: This is not what Sridhara or Narayana maharaja tells others to do: "take shelter of the holy dham"? No. They have forced others, including children, to worship homosexuals or even homosexual pedophiles as their messiah and "tirtha." So they are there in the holy dham or "tirtha" and that is good for them, so-called, but then they insist that others have to "take shelter" of deviants and homosexuals as their messiah and "tirtha." And they have even endorsed worship of such deviants in the holy dham. So they have brought forth an epidemic of "anal reconstructive surgery" -- in the holy dham, as some people who were there tell us, as their idea of messiahs. They have polluted and contaminated our holy places with incredible and unspeakable filthiness, child molester pooja. And Narayana Maharaja even wrote a booklet recently, citing Bhagavata maharaja, "There is nothing wrong," with Sridhara maharaja's establishing homosexual worship in 1936, in the HOLY DHAM.]

* Maybe, that is too deep for you to understand.

[PADA: There is nothing "deep" about this at all? There are many babajis and sahajiyas who recommend worship of deviants and homosexuals like Sridhara maharaja and Narayana maharaja do, and some of them reside in the holy dham. Just because deviants are sometimes living in the holy dham, that does not make them authorized? Yet if you ask any hamburger eating karmi, "Should we worship deviants as messiahs" and then, "wait and see as these deviants deteriorate"? They will say, "No, we have to worship the genuine messiah, nothing ersatz allowed." Most karmis have the "deeper" understanding of guru tattva here, i.e. worship of deviants is forbidden, worship of the bona fide pure devotee is the only process alllowed, either at home or in the holy dhama, or anywhere else, end of story. Indeed, almost cent percent of "ignorant karmis" would never recommend the worship of deviants as messiahs. Of course over the years, whenever we asked Sridhara or Narayana maharaja's followers, "Why is your guru supporting homosexual pedophile pooja?," their followers just drooled on their socks and could not utter one word, since they have no idea which or what pooja is correct and which is not. A follower of Narayana Maharaja even recently told us that their booklet, which says "there is nothing wrong" with homosexual worship is BONA FIDE. So I asked, "You mean -- a** raping gurus are bona fide"?" And he said, "Well if Narayana Maharaja says that in his book, then IT IS"! No discrimination -- which even a butcher has, a butcher knows a** raping is not -- messiah? Hello!]

* A Vaisnava always tries to see the positive in everybody.

[PADA: Except Sridhara and Narayana Maharaja? Everyone else sees the "positive" of worship of someone like Jesus or Prabhupada, except Sridhara and Narayana maharaja. They and their followers say that the worship of a bona fide pure devotee as one's messiah is "bogus ritviks" and wrong. Narayana maharaja has even said our idea of not worshpping his homosexual guru lineage in the holy dham is -- "poison." Tripurari has also said our not worshipping his homosexual lineage is "demon." Thus, Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's party "insists" that we need to worship "a living deviant." And when their bogus and deviant messiahs are failing, then they say "wait and see" as their messiah's illicit sex, drugs and rock and roll -- and cult murders -- project spins more and more out of control. They also say "none should protest" as their worship of deviants project goes into a violent tail-spin. So they forbid us from worshipping the bona fide guru, then they say we cannot protest their worship of deviant messiahs' project. And as a result, we are banned, beat and shot. Why do they harass our party and defend the deviants party? Why are they not "positive" to all the devotees, including the devotees who do not want to worship their illicit sex projects as their messiah, in the holy dham?]

* What were you doing before Prabhupada came and saved you. Jerking off in some mental institution? I dont know, may be worst.

[PADA: We Westerners were mostly all worshipping a bona fide pure devotee, namely Lord Jesus. We were not worshipping homosexual gay porno-life, or in sum Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's bogus 1936 Vasudeva project, as Sridhara contended was bona fide and which Narayana Maharaja recently cited -- is not wrong? Even folks in the mental institution, severe psychotics, they do not worship gay porno sex life as their messiah. They have more sense. Of course the behavior of your party's messiahs, man and boy sex, is illegal even to show or sell as a porno video here in the West. Even the porno video business has a higher standard than your party has for your messiahs in the holy dham. Even the porno movie industry has a higher standard for their actors than your party has for your messiahs. Recently, some former female porno stars have come on television saying, that they have now been "saved by Jesus." So even the porno stars only accept a bona fide guru and they would not worship a gay porno messiah, ever. Even the porn stars have vastly greater discrimination about guru tattva than your team. Only your team says we need to be saved by homosexual pooja, in the holy dham.]

* Srila Sridhara Maharaja took birth in Hapaniya in Navadvipa Dhama ...maybe inside your pea brain you can figure out that there is some sukriti (that means pious acitivities if you are still illiterate in Vaisnava siddhanta) there...

[PADA: First, we have to show some minimum respect for the holy dham -- whether we are born there or live there -- or not. Prabhupada says that the residents of the holy dhama known as "the Radha kunda babajis" are actually residents of "naraka kunda" (hell.) That means: we should never endorse the worship of homosexuals and deviants as "Lord Chaitanya's successors in the holy dham," and then "wait and see" as the beatings, mass molesting and murders are going on full tilt -- even in the holy dham. Sridhara maharaja's policy has been polluting the holy dham since 1936. "Tolerate, wait and see" -- as the holy dham is polluted with homosexual messiah worship? And notice his team still does not even try to drive that deviant party out of the dham even today (2004). Around 1986, Nirantara dasa (Nick D'Angelo?) sang "there is homosex in the holy dham," and there has been. And not only homosex, thanks to Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's ideas, we have seen homosexual "Vishnupada" messiahs BEING WORSHIPPED in the holy dham, and resultant mass molesting of children. Again, all this thanks in large part to Sridhara and Narayana's policy of supporting the worship of these deviants (even in the holy dham). Sridhara and Narayana maharaja helped convert the holy dham -- into starving, beating, molesting torture chambers for Krishna's children. Even the worst "pea brains" as you say, would never dream of converting their holy dham into -- a hellish planet of pedophile pooja, even for kids?]

* Also, did it ever dawn on you that Prabhupada was given the title "swami maharaja" when he took sannyasa? SSM defended the title given to his godbrother "Swami Maharaja" what is the problem ...a hole in your head

[PADA: You missed the whole point? Prabhupada was called "swami maharaja" -- outside -- of his mission. By outsiders. Whereas we are discussing the policy for -- inside -- his mission. There he is (and should have been addressed by Sridhara maharaja as): "Prabhupada." Yet we see that when Sridhara maharaja meets with Prabhupada's Western disciples, those INSIDE the mission, he still uses the "outisde" term: "swami maharaja." This is the external and minimized term, and is clearly NOT the proper term. We are discussing Prabhupada, his mission, and his disciples, and not the Gaudiya Matha's circles. Sridhara maharaja is supposed to train us in the proper etiquette of how to address our guru in HIS MISSION. And that is not "swami maharaja." And to say that the proper etiquette term for one's guru is -- "hole in the head" policy? What is that? No wonder, Sridhara maharaja endorsed that homosexuals and pedophiles can use the higher titles -- like Vishnupada/ aka Prabhupada. Homosexual pooja is allowed to use the higher titles, but not Prabhupada. This is the "hole in the head" program. And that is why in Vrindavana and Mayapura, in the holy dhams, the residents there know all about your anus reconstructive surgery messiah project, because some of the doctors there knew of it, and they told others. This is your holey pooja program: in toto. And again, this was going on right on Narayana Maharaja's doorstep when he was sitting with Tamal in 1986, when they AGAIN reinstated homosexual pedophile pooja. Narayana Maharaja then emerged as the biggest cheerleader of that lineage just after they reinstated Bhavananda and they said Kirtanananda is "like Jesus."]

* ...many times he addressed him quite unreserved as "Prabhupada" ...if you cant accept that he had nothing about the title ...then again put the cork back in your hole in your head

[PADA: Sridhara maharaja uses the title "swami maharaja" not only many times, but almost all the time in his conversations with Prabhupada's disciples. He has "much to do" with people using that title, he encouraged that title himself. Nowadays his own followers come up to us and say, "Well swami maharaja said this and swami maharaja said that," and notice: Sridhara and Narayana Maharaja both use this term.]

* ...poisoned: our Prabhupada ...Should we spend our life trying to prove this...duh? Did our Prabhupada spend his entire life trying to prove that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada (notice I also use the word "Prabhupada" after his name also...duh?)

[PADA: No, we should simply accept that he made a poison complaint: and accept that in about two seconds? Why does this take people like you your "whole life"? That means you are doubtful all the time. There is nothing to prove or disprove here: he made a poison complaint. We accept it. Yet, as a matter of fact, the complaint has been verified by various kavirajas, the hindi has been verified by many folks including brijabasis and even your pal Narayana maharaja, and then there is the arsenic forensics, the audio whispers about poison forensics, and so on. So you are not addressing it because you are still protecting the poisoners of the pure devotee despite all the "proof" -- which even the karmis know is "enough" proof. Even the karmis understand the poison complaint is valid and they accept Prabhupada's words more than the entire Sridhara maharaja camp. The karmi audio experts are not "arguing for their whole life," they say the poison complaint is valid.

Of course mayavadis, speculators, munis, sahajiyas, atheists, fools, big puffed-up pundit scholars, they all spend many lifetimes and cannot figure much of anything out. This is stated clearly by Prabhupada, these jnanis and false logicians, they spend many, many, many lifetimes, hundred of lifetimes, thousands of lifetimes, yet they cannot figure out much of anything. But if we take some women in bikinis on roller-blades, being pulled along by their dogs, they understand -- in one second. Again, Srila Prabhupada says that is the difference between the pious person and the motivated false scholars. Even the IRM's biggest pundit and muni, Krishna Kanta Desai, he has become totally bewildered by his own concocted explanation of the poison complaint, so much so, he has had to latch onto Tamal's apron strings and declare the poisoner sabha's main culprit as the IRM's "authority" on the issue. Judas and Pontius Pilate are the higher authority than -- Jesus? This is called "Buddhi nasa."]

* Did Mahaprabhu spend his entire life, gagging on the mayavadi crap and lies ...duh?

[PADA: Prabhupada's words are "gagging mayavadi crap"? No, we accept his words, he made a poison complaint and we accept. Bas.]

* tarko'pratistanat ...argue argue argue argue ad infinitum

[PADA: Well yes, except even the karmi audio, police and FBI experts, they DO accept the vani of the pure devotee (poison complaint). There is nothing to "argue" here, there is a bona fide poison complaint. You are the ones who are arguing against Prabhupada, just like you argued that Prabhupada's idea to worship a pure devotee is "bogus ritviks." Yet even many karmis are not bewildered, they just accept the words of the pure devotee. You will go on as doubting Thomases for centuries, maybe millions of centuries, while even the karmis, some of them accept -- in a few minutes.]

* ...why keep going on and denouncing Bhavananda or whoever as homosexual pedophiles that something NEW in any corrupted society this material world? duh?

[PADA: What? Your party are the people who endorsed Bhavananada as your idea of Vishnupada messiah, and your team said he must "wear the messiah's uniform," -- while we (PADA) are the ones who said Bhavananda is "a corrupt part of the material world." You forget: Sridhara maharaja's whole idea -- that these deviants are messiahs? Now you are preaching against Sridhara maharaja and agreeing -- with us? You are now an official PADA member! That is what we said all along, that Bhavananda is a corrupt part of the material world, and that Sridhara maharaja is WRONG to declare these deviant parties as messiahs. You now agree with PADA. That is the good news here, you are publicly denouncing Sridhara maharaja's guru lineage ideas as "corrupt and material." Bravo!

PADA is one the those who said early on that Bhavananda is a corrupt person, part of the material world. And as a result we were kicked out of ISKCON because -- it is Sridhara maharaja who said -- Bhavananda's party are acharyas/ messiahs, and PADA should not protest that ("corrupt and material"?) messiah process? Again, it is you who is now finally saying that Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's policy of endorsing the GBC as messiahs is "corrupt and material." We agree. So yes, Sridhara and Narayana maharaja are simply exponents of bogus, corrupt, material so-called religion. No, this is not something new, it is called apa-siddhanta, or corruption of the Vedic principles.

Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's guru lineage has homosexuals in it. So any "link" in a chain, past or present, is part of the chain NOW. Vasudeva, Bhavananda and others are "links" in their "chain of gurus," thus they are STILL part of their succession. Sridhara and Narayana maharajas should have issued a proclamation, homosexuals are not gurus, gurus are not appointed, gurus are not voted in, but no, they say, when your guru is doing the hokey pokey, while stoned on drugs, while listening to Rock and Roll music, "wait and see." So any link that "was" in the chain is equal to any other link. Sridhara maharaja says homosexuals are sometimes links. Srila Prabhupada below says Sridhara Maharaja's policy is "cheating" for making these false gurus:

Prabhupada: "Then you'll not be effective. You can cheat, but it will not be effective. Just see our Gaudiya Matha. Everyone wanted to become guru, and a small temple and 'guru.' What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching, simply bring some foodstuff... My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Joint mess," a place for eating and sleeping. Amar amar ara takana (?)(Bengali): 'Joint mess." He said this.'"

In sum, Prabhupada said that most of these "gurus" in Mayapura are cockroach acharyas. He said that they only think they are Garuda Birds, but they are cockroaches. So either corrupt, material, cockroaches, they are not bona fide guru lineages.

* Use your godsaken intelligence, pea brain and wake up ...otherwise ...your vomit should not be eaten by yourself over and over... Look at the beauty of every individual thy enemy

[PADA: Sridhara Maharaja folks never love others. Rather they give us glares and stares and call us "offenders," while Narayana Maharaja says simply that our non-homosexual pedophile guru lineage concept is simply "poison." As soon as they find we are not cooperating with their "anus sex is the messiah project," they give us stares, glares, hatred, and a hard time. Sridhara maharaja's successor Tripurari also yelled at us and called us "demon" because we would not worship his anus sex pals as our messiahs. You are the ones who are the barking attack dogs, we are simply defending.]

* ...duh ...very hard to do, isnt it ...very hard sound like some whining, moaning jewish priest outside of Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ...

[PADA: A few (not ritvik) devotees in San Francisco recently said to me that PADA is "the Mel Gibson of ISKCON." (Due to forwarding the poison case)? They apparently think PADA's approach to the poison case is a little too dramatic. So this is surprising, that you think the direct opposite, that the PADA editor is like the rabbis who are protesting Mel's film? Sorry, we agree with many Christian scholars who attribute Mel Gibson to creating a "mini revival" of Christianity. Mel was depressed and actually suicidal a few years ago, and so he said he knew: he had to "find Jesus." And he did. And so now, he claims that since Jesus saved his life, he made this movie as a tribute. PADA happens to think that since the movie has sparked interest in religion and Jesus, that is a good thing. Therefore your comparing us to the critics of this film is wrong. Apart from that, some of the Krishna devotees who saw the film said "it makes the poison issue come to life." This film has even helped some Krishna devotees understand the poison issue better. This is also a good result: is it not?

In any case the GBC is implicated in Prabhupada's poison complaint, and Sridhara and Narayana maharaja are implicated in upholding the GBC's prime culprits as: messiahs. We are saying not more than a few of the ISKCON devotees are implicated, but clearly some of the GBC are implicated as culprits. And for sure, Sridhara and Narayana et al. are implicated in Prabhupada's poison affair as -- the defenders of the worship of the poison sabha as their idea of messiahs. So your example falls apart. We are defending -- the establishing a case for either crucifixion or poison, while you and other critics and/or ex-supporters of Tamal want to hide it. Especially, we should ask why Prabhupada says, "Just as they killed Jesus, they may kill me also." And: "My only request is, do not torture me and put me to death."

So you GBC sympathizers are the ones who are like the critics of Mel's film -- because you are against having this exposed and forwarded: It makes your team look bad since you forwarded worship of the poisoners as your idea of messiahs. It is for the same reason the IRM's Krishna Kanta Desai vehemently opposes the poison case. His team also said the poisoners are their messiahs, and so this makes them look just as foolish as Sridhara maharaja et al. And just to try and save a few foolish egos, some of them stand outside the movie house and protest, totally unaware of the emotion and love for guru experienced by the people who are actually watching the film. And many of your Gaudiya Matha folks are more or less in this category. For example, Narayana Maharaja folks just wrote a paper how they have "loving repartee" with the poson sabha leader Tamal, and Sridhara maharaja folks still recently said "PADA is offender" becasue they too are angry we forwarded the poison complaint from the pure devotee. They still want to cover up for their poison pals so we are "offender" because we do not worship Judas and Pontius Pilate et al. So you are like the critics outside the theatre, that is your team, not us. And recently Krishna Kanta Desai "went ballistic" at the mention of the poison case, because he too is another cover-up man just like Ravindra Swarupa "goes ballistic" over complaints about the evil cadre. So go ahead and go ballistic, hide, cover, who cares, satyam eva jayate, truth will prevail: "My only request is, do not torture me and put me to death." That is: the truth.]

* Maybe, one day you will get a reply point by point to your alphabetic nonsense ...but I doubt if you would give it good thought ...your mind is lost in the void have voided out to anything positive ...and I know you will reply with more spit and anger ...I wont be surprised is too short to be licking open wounds or filling them in with your salt and scum...

[PADA: Molested children are scum? You sound like Sanat, Mukunda and Jaya Krishna. Prabhupada loved these children and he said they are the future hope of his mission. He said: our duty is to help them. Prabhupada's poison complaint is also scum? Well, you sound like a protestor to Mel Gibson's movie, trying to minimize these events?]

* grow up

[PADA: At least you folks have "grown" somewhat, you at least now agree to what we said in the late 1970s, these GBC are not messiahs, they are corrupt. It has only taken some of you folks 23 years to grow up and catch up to us, but better late than never?]

* ......and reply with something sweet or just fade away into some dark, dark, dark hole of a cesspool where you can yell all day about NOTHING WORTHWHILE... Oh, my god, yes and thanks for all the other emails ...I am sure think that they all support your blindness and deviant criticisms...

[PADA: I do not care who supports what, or who does what, the truth is the truth.]

Satsvarupa: If you associate with a certain type of people, your reputation will be that you are like them, and you'll become like them. Prabhupada: (chuckling) So our Sridhara Maharaja's associates are not very good. Then what is his position?

[PADA: Yes, Sridhara Maharaja is "associating" with the worst critics of Prabhupada on the planet like Madhava Maharaja and others who just, well -- hated Prabhupada. They tried to halt Prabhupada's work and so he said "Some of my God brothers might commit violence upon me" (just after Madhava visited and insulted him). And Tripurari hangs out with homosexual pedophile certified gurus .... just as Prabhupada says, these Gaudiya Matha folks are birds of the same feather.]

Jayapataka: ... Actually I am afraid. Madhava Maharaja he invited me to attend his program, some festival day.
Prabhupada: Where?
Jayapataka: At his Maoha.
Prabhupada: Ten days? Ten days.
Jayapataka: No, it was a three-day program. He invited us for one day. But I was afraid to go. He might even poison me. They personally went...

[PADA: This was one of Sridhara maharaja's associates, a person who wanted to "poison" (Prabhupada or?) his devotees? Poison sabha.]

Satsvarupa: It cannot be said that he (Sridhara maharaja) is opposed to them (Prabhupada's critics).
Prabhupada: Hm?
Satsvarupa: You cannot say he is opposed to them if he always associates with them. They're envious...
Prabhupada: (sarcastically) Very good (Sridhara maharaja's) associates. That is his associate. He may not be very... No, everyone is not openly envious, everyone, but we can understand by behavior. Nobody is openly envious.

[PADA: Notice: Sridhara maharaja is not openly envious, but behind the scenes, he is envious because he is always associating with those who are envious as "we can understand by his behavior." Similarly we can understand the behavior of Tamal's "intimate repartee" friends like Narayana Maharaja.]

Satsvarupa: Just by keeping apart, he..., that..., he shows there's some enviousness.
Prabhupada: Sridhara Maharaja is little...

[PADA: Good point, Sridhara maharaja was always "apart" and not associating with Srila Prabhupada, rather he chose to associate with the envious.]

Tamala Krishna: He read it?
Prabhupada: I think so.
Tamala Krishna: Did he make any comment?
Prabhupada: He (Sridhara maharaja) cannot make any comment. These are facts. Two parties there were. One party, to use guru as their instrument for self-aggrandizement, and another party left guru. So both of them are offenders. This Kunja Babu, this Tirtha Maharaja's party, he wanted to enjoy senses through guru. And the Bagh Bazaar party, they left.
Tamala Krishna: Vasudeva.
Prabhupada: So both of them are severe offenders.
Tamala Krishna: What about Sridhara Maharaja?
Prabhupada: Sridhara Maharaja belonged to the Bagh Bazaar party. And I was living aloof. My Guru Maharaja approved. He said, "It is better that he is aloof from them."
Tamala Krishna: He could understand that his disciples were not...

[PADA: Notice Sridhara maharaja's Bagh Bazaar party "left" their guru and his mission. This is called "guru tyagi." Sridhar maharaja's party thus abandoned their guru's order to make a governing body, and they simultaneously concocted their idea that pure devotees are "mad fools" who "wear a uniform." Again, here in San Francisco we have the local "Studs and Suds" beer parlour, and in that place the homosexuals and trans-sexuals hold their "Marylyn Monroe look alike contests." The local Chelsea Girls. Now notice, even the people in the "Studs and Suds" -- they would surely know BETTER than your entire team: that people like Jesus are (acharya) messiah; that messiahs are not criminal deviants and sexual molesters who are merely "wearing a uniform"; messiahs are not "mad after illlict sex, money and followers"; messiahs are not orchestrating banning, beating, molesting and murder; and that while these odious things are going on under the jackboots of such false messiahs, we must "tolerate, wait and see" -- all of which -- are policies your party has militantly and vociferously upheld in post 1936 and post 1977, or as Prabhupada says "Sridhara maharaja insisted on it."

In other words, even the actual Chelsea Girls at the Studs and Suds have a better grip on guru tattva than some of Sridhara maharaja's followers will EVER have. Tripurari still distributes Sridhara maharaja's book "Sri Guru And His Grace" which states that acharyas (messiah gurus) are "mad" fools -- who are chasing illicit sex, money and followers. So your party has not only "left guru," you are daily insulting guru and harassing their followers. And your party is connected to the banning, beating, molesting and murders of the followers of the bona fide messiahs. Notice, not one single person in the Studs and Suds has caused this type of malefic mischeif to anyone EVER!!!! You people are walking around with your head in the air thinking you are the highest devotees, while even the participants at the Studs and Suds have VASTLY greater understanding of: "what is a messiah and what is not," than most of you will ever have.

And the reason is clear, your party LEFT YOUR GURU. And as such, your party -- left the Vedic point of view. And you have even gone way out of touch with the somewhat moderate point of view of the average pious man, you are even way afield of the Chelsea Girls who have a better understanding of what is a messiah. The average karmi KNOWS that messiahs are God's actual representatives and not "mad fools." And indeed as a result of your accumulated offenses, even the Studs and Suds crew beats you by millions of light years because, they are not ATTACKING the position of guru. "Better to be aloof from Sridhara maharaja," amen! And your party has been saying the Judas and Pontius Pilate are your idea of messiahs. So, your party left guru -- and then supported the Satanic as your gurus, and you brought your reign of hell into the holy dham, thus you ARE the personified enforced cult ritualistic worship of homosexual pedophiles regime, IN THE HOLY DHAM.

And that is why Sridhara maharaja's successor Tripurari / Tom Beaudry still licks the boots of Virabahu and other members of the molester guru cult since they are "voted in at the recoronation of a known Andy Warhol -- Chelsea Girl/ child molester 'Vishnupada' in holy dham" -- and guru poisoners -- they are still your team's idea of messiahs. So go rent the Chelsea Girl's movie if you want to study the lila of some of the messiahs Sridhara endorsed, or if you want to see the "links" in Virabahu's chain of gurus (which Tripurari endorses). And let us not forget that Tripurari himself was trying to get a guru certificate from the Chelsea Girl's messiah club, and he said I was a demon when I asked him why he was supporting Chelsea Girls as his messiah. So your team mates are still poisoning the holy dham by supporting the GBC/ Virabahu/ Chelsea girls suck session of gurus, so your team mates have still "left guru" ... Thanks pd]

* *

Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!