PADA Newsletter, Nov. 23, 2000

11.23 nm3 Date: 23. Nov. 2000
From: (Puranjana)



Dear folks, PAMHO. AGTSP.

[PADA is an online newsletter going out to over 1,000 devotees and Hindu's. Please let us know if you have comments, or if you are not interested. We try our best to keep our mailing list in order. Jai Srila Prabhupada!]

Please let us know if you wish to add other addresses or cancel your subscription. PADA also may or may not endorse all of the statements found in our featured letters.

ALSO the names of the GBC as well as accounts of their activities are sometimes unverified at this point, we are merely allowing readers to express their experiences, and we encourage others, including those named, to feedback. Comments / corrections on the history section are also encouraged..

PADA'S MOST WANTED LIST: Keep us apprised of the whereabouts of Jayapataka, Tamal, Hridayananda and other GBC, thanks.


Dear Puranjana prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was very happy to read SGds article in your last newsletters, mentioning that Tamal is living with one foot in the grave and that he may die at anytime. It is a joy for every devotee if a demon departs. No doubt that Tamal is the head of the 'Kill Guru and become Guru' gang. So we are very pleased to hear that he is soon going to die on cancer. Halleluiah we are in jubilation, what a relief. Thanks ye Gods. That is Krishnas causeless mercy, for sure. We shall take out our cymbals, chant, sing and dance in ecstasy, starting a festival for this auspicious happening. Please let me know the email-address of SGd. I would like to write him personally and join him in his chant: 'Na jiva na maro...' do not live...and do not die. I also would like to bless Tamal with this mantra.

ys, Urdhvaga das
(PS. you can publish this letter if you like)



Dear PADA pamho agtSP Your analysis of the Narayan maharaja mentality (PADA 11.22) was excellent. Any fool could see from the very beginning how this man was taking advantage of the chaos in iskcon. Like a beggar who licks the kings' plate and dreams he is king, or a crab that crawls into a large shell seeking stature; NM surrounds himself with remnants, wears a shell and crawls around in Srila Prabhupadas' shadow. Still, the times embolden crabs in guru-shells; who feed off sentimental cadavers decomposed by delusion and disloyalty.

When NM first came to Australia, his carers hired a hall adjacent to the iskcon temple. Phase two involved a mini invasion by bearded NM look-alikes who greeted everyone like old friends. And phase three was to extend invitations to all, in particular those young bhaktas with the glazed-over-look. At this point the siphoning party was rudely interrupted by iskcon heavies who stepped in and 'bounced' some of the more persistent NM campers. To an observer, the adage "poison kills poison" was validated that day.

Our own reputation as a "big collector" did not miss the "guru's" attention. At around 10 PM that night, there was a tentative knock on our door. We must confess to not feeling (in the least) like the fortunate Nicodemus. Quite to the contrary, we were enraged like a bear awoken in mid-winter. With double-barrel-Betsy in hand, we swung the door open to find a shrinking bhakta George. " Srila Narayan maharaja only eats kitchri," he informed us. " I have no rice and dhal at my place, maharaja was hoping you could donate." "Does he eat Ratsak?" we asked, still upset by the disturbance. "He'd eat anything you offered prabhu," promised Bhakta George. He was a crawler, trained in iskcon. He's out there right now (somewhere) with a devotional name and a "gonna be guru" destiny. "Help yourself,' we offered, and in true iskcon style; he cleaned us out. At the door he turned and (almost in hindsight) extended the invitation, "Maharaja would like you and your family to come tomorrow." We simply glared at George. He realized that we were not so sleepy after all, and appeared as if he would shrink and disappear into his trouser pocket. "Gotta draw the line somewhere George," we said. He appeared happy to be let of the hook so easily, and quickly disappeared into the night carrying his loot.

On Sai Baba: There maybe someone out there reading this article who remembers the incident. In the late eighties or early nineties, we were visiting friends at Kozhikode (Calicut. India). A mammoth publicity campaign was mounted advertising a festival at which Satya Sai Baba would preside. Along with a group of friends we merged with the milling throngs. A large "Ananta Sesa" had been constructed in the middle of an even larger fountain. "Sai Visnu" was scheduled to "appear" and mount his "Ananta bed", after which he would enlighten all with a discourse on his importance. Lights flashed and the PA system boogied Sai Baba bhajans. It was like a discount-miracle meeting in evangelical America. Soon Mr. Talcum Powder (vibhuti) made his appearance. After brief stops along the way to talk to the chosen (they seemed to swoon with his touch..if they only knew what he had been 'touching' earlier?), he ascended the fountain steps, walked across the bridgeway and mounted "Ananta Deva."

It soon became apparent to the crowd that "Ananta Deva" was not very happy with Mr. Sai Visnu. No sooner had he gone into a recline when his body began to twitch. Up he jumped, but the twitching didn't stop. His afro glowed blue as he hopped up and down in a Sai-disco dance-step unique to Sai Vaikuntha. We realized immediately there was a short circuit, and since Sai Baba was standing on a wet platform he was getting the full DC-current treatment. We can assure all Sai Baba followers; had that current been AC, he would be residing in an urn ....Sai-fry .....pure vibhuti.

Dandavats & pranams SGd



Yasodanandan dasa: Another interesting quote from Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada says, "We haven't got to manufacture. To manufacture ideas is troublesome. Why should we take the trouble? And as soon as you want to manufacture something, that is dangerous. Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete kariya aikya, ara na kariha mane asa ...this is, you are singing everyday. What our Guru has said, this is our life and soul. We do not want, ara na kariha mane. As soon as this --poison-- will come, 'Suppress guru and I become Guru, brahman,' everything finished. Spiritual life is finished. Gaudiya Matha finished..., violated the orders of Guru Maharaja." This is from a conversation with Srila Prabhupada in Bombay, India, on April 10, l977.

Puranjana dasa: Very significant. The idea of neophytes posing as guru is "poison." And as soon as this "poison" comes, everything is finished. Of course this is very prophetic, those who are full of this "poison," that they want to imitate their guru --may use actual poisons like arsenic to eliminate the real guru and takeover his worship. And then folks like Narayana Maharaja will jump on board as the big defenders of the worship of these poisoners, from both the 1930s and the 1970s. That "poison" may be acting on many levels. It has philosophical and practical meaning.

We have also said that making homosexuals into gurus is another poison, but yet the followers of Narayana Maharaja have criticized us for being "too critical." "Puranjana is so offensive." He does not agree with homosexual pedophiles being worshipped as God's successors. Very bad! Meanwhile all kinds of molestation has been going on in the back room while these followers opted to cooperate with the GBC's homosexual worship idea. So one poison, another poison, and molestation is another poison, it has almost poisoned and paralyzed the whole second generation of our devotees. In sum, Narayana Maharaja has said that our not agreeing with his homosexual guru idea is poison. And he still says that gurus fall down --and become homosexual pedophiles. That is one layer of the Gaudiya Matha poison, that the guru is a homosexual.

That is part of the poison that Srila Prabhupada wanted us to avoid, whereas Narayana Maharaja says, here, you have to drink this poison, you have to worship poisoners as gurus, and you have to worship homosexuals as gurus, and you have to worship pedophiles as gurus, and this is all found in shastra. What shastra? His poisoned shastra. No, the ACTUAL shastra says that gurus like Narada Muni cannot be brought to the material plane, even when they associate with beautiful women. Narayana Maharaja vociferously disagrees, he says that the guru will fall down, he will have a sex orgy frenzy --when he sees a little boy's butt. So he has no common sense even. His gurus are mad after butts, even of little boys, and so this is another poison. And because he supported the worship of homosexual pedophiles, he helped poison our second generation of devotees just as if he has fed them arsenic.

In fact, one boy told me that if they had killed him it would have been more merciful. He was very sick, he had diarrhea, he was being starved, he had been kicked and he thought his ribs were broken, he had some scabies that were making him itch 24 hours a day, so they were poisoning him, and so just killing him would have been better he said. So this is another effect of the guru imitation poison, more suffering for all involved. And if you think about it, these homosexual gurus are actually helping spread AIDS all over the place. More poison. And Narayana Maharaja has, as his gurus, people who will apparently use arsenic, they will poison the siddhanta, they will torture children, they may even spread AIDS in the name of guru. And he gets very angry with us when we say this is wrong, because he also supported the ditto Gaudiya Matha poison party who did the same types of things, homosexual gurus, banning, beating and killing the Vaishnavas, same poison, different wrapper.

Very significant also, supress guru. Just see, as soon as we say that Srila Prabhupada should be worshipped as guru, both the GBC and Narayana Maharaja say in unison, no you have to worship the GBC and their homosexual gurus, you cannot worship the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada, by the ritvik system he made. They want to suppress the worship of the pure devotee and that is why Srila Prabhupada says that his God brothers give him "depression, represssion, oppression" in a letter. So "suppress" the worship of the pure devotee, and "support" the worship of the poisoners, homosexuals, and that is what Narayana Maharaja has endorsed all along. And that is why further in this article he still defends the 1936 poison and homosexual guru imbroglio.

So all of this is what the GBC and Narayana Maharaja fail to take into consideration. As soon as a neophyte artificially poses as a guru, he is deviated, he is finished. Worse, according to this quote, he is spreading poisonous ideas. His spiritual life is not only over, he is now dangerous, he now has a poisonous influence. He thinks he is God's successor. Very dangerous. And Srila Prabhupada says in "The Nectar Of Instruction," this imitator of guru will eventually becomes degraded by the imitation business. So the GBC and their advisors like Narayana Maharaja have devised all kinds of elaborate schemes for things like "suspending" the GBC's gurus, or even "giving gopi classes to the GBC's gurus to try to steer them away from associating with the Radha Kunda Babajis," as Narayana Maharaja says he had to do with the GBC gurus, and so on, but they have no clue that the people who are being suspended from being guru, for being homosexuals, people who are running off to the Radha Kunda babajis for bogus gopi classes, they are simply deviants and they are not gurus.

And when Narayana Maharaja's so-called gurus become so degraded they are caught having illicit sex with men, women and children, Narayana Maharaja then says, "Well too bad, your guru fell down." Your "guru" fell down? He is having illicit sex with men, women and children and he is "a guru"? No, these people were never gurus from square one? Narayana Maharaja keeps taking credit for "saving the GBC's gurus from the babajis," but why does he have to "save" people who are supposed to pure devotees like Jesus, at all? He has saved these alleged gurus from sex, drugs and rock and roll orgies? OK, that is because he is so ignorant he has no idea that the guru, people like Jesus, never behave like this at all, ever. His followers are always bragging, "Oh, he saved the GBC gurus from the Radha Kunda sahajiyas." No, he helped them keep in illusion that they are gurus and so he caused them to go further to hell, and ISKCON along with them.

Of course, the Gaudiya Matha also produced a huge pile of these bogus gurus as well. Narayana Maharaja never asks the first square one question, who authorized these fools and perverts to be gurus in the first place? Narayana Maharaja is walking around saying, some criminal who found a police badge in his box of Cheerios is: a police man? No, he is a crook who is wearing a bogus badge, he has no authority to be a bona fide police man, he is a cheater. But Narayana Maharaja insists, oh here comes the police man. No, his badge is from Cheerios, it is bogus. So this is called the cheaters and the cheated. Some fool says he is a "Vishnupada" and Narayana Maharaja follows such fool's ideas. Of course, in India we have a fool like Sai Baba and many common people are so brainless they think he is God. Narayana Maharaja in 1986 endorsed the GBC when they said that a known homosexual pedophile is Vishnupada, and Narayana Maharaja became the lead cheerleader and apologist for that group of idiots. He said: they are gurus. And he still does, they are gurus, but they fell down.

* Yasodanandan dasa: Interestingly, Srila Prabhupada also gave His own version of what happened to many of the post-1936 Gaudiya Matha acharyas, or so-called acharyas, that Narayan Maharaj gives here. This is Srila Prabhupada, on August 15, 1976: "He, before passing away, namely Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, founder of the Gaudiya Math, before passing away, He gave them all directions. And He never said that this man should be the next acharya. But, these people, after He passed away, began to fight, who shall be the next acharya? That is the failure. They never thought, 'Guru Maharaja gave us instruction on so many things, why He did not say, that this man should be the next acharya'? They wanted to create somebody artificially as acharya and everything failed. They did not even consider common sense, that if Guru Maharaj had wanted to appoint somebody as acharya, why He did not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed? The main point, and they insisted on it, they declared, 'Come on unfit persons to become acharya.' And then another man comes, another man comes. So, it is better to remain a foolish person perpetually to be directed by Guru Maharaj. So that is perfection. And as soon as it was announced that Guru Maharaj is dead, now I am so advanced that I can kill Guru, and I become Guru. Then he's finished." This is from a conversation in Bombay, August 15th 1976, India.

So it is clear conclusion that Srila Prabhupada did not accept Narayan Maharaj's version, that anybody and their brother can become acharya after the departure to the Guru. And this is the same idea that is propagated by the GBC in the post 1977 Iskcon. Now, the second portion here, we will have a review of the article published by Nayrayan Maharaja called, "Taking Srila Prabhupada straight," that was written by His Holiness Bhagavat Maharaja, who claims to be a disciple of Bhakti Pramode Puri Maharaja of the Gaudiya Math.

* Puranjana dasa: We'll, let's see, the first problem with him is that he's saying he doesn't want to commit any Vaisnava aparada, he's trying to write from a neutral point of view, and he doesn't want to make anyone feel attacked or offended at heart, however, he then launches into some severe criticisms of Srila Prabhupada in his letter. He says that the 1936 homosexual guru program is bona fide. Very offensive. So, he's offending Prabhupada and he's almost admitting that from the outset saying, I don't want to offend anyone, but, nonetheless, I'm going to go ahead and do so.

* Yasodanandan dasa: We see on page number one, in the last paragraph at the bottom of the page of this article, where this Swami quotes, "It does not matter if so-called guru is in good standing according to your Iskcon or GBC rules. It has been seen that by following the instructions of your GBC, many innocent devotes have been cheated by accepting someone as their guru who has never been qualified to accept disciples. The most recent example is that of your Harikesh Maharaj, which proves my point very clearly. You should not turn the devotes into slaves of the GBC."

Well, as much as we can agree with some of the points here, there seems to be a misunderstanding and a misrepresentation. First of all, none of these GBC gurus were ever authorized by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to act in the position of diksha gurus in the first place. They took that position on their own, they declared themselves as acharya by themselves. Prabhupada never authorized them to act as diksha guru. This is the first misconception that this Swami here seems to misunderstand to start with. And another point on page number 2, he seems to support the idea of re-initiation. He says, "According to Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, he should not disrespect his previous guide, but should, with due respect search for a real initiation. This previous initiation is to be considered as Abhasa, (?) a faint presence, and it is strictly necessary to accept initiation in the real sense in order to begin doing real Bhajanakriya." Well, with all due respect to the Swami and his ideas, we find that Prabhupada never accepted this idea of taking two initiations, or three initiations, or re-initiation, of double-initiation, whatever people want to call it. Because these Iskcon gurus were only authorized to act as Srila Prabhupada's representatives of the Acharya, in the capacity as ritvik representatives, and they were never authorized to accept own disciples in the capacity of diksha gurus. They did this on their own, without authority from Srila Prabhupada.

* Puranjana dasa: His whole platform is ridiculous. He says that many innocent people were cheated by accepting the GBC's gurus, but his best pal Narayana Maharaja has been the GBC "guru" cheater's biggest backer for years together. Narayana Maharja has said, for years together, that Tamal was never a GBC or a ritvik, he is intended to be the next guru. So Narayana Maharaja is one of the biggest leaders of the cheater's party. But he always forgets to tell us, when was Tamal made a guru? Who made him the guru? The Cheerios company? And you accept that contrived certification? Narayana Maharaja walks around saying: this one is a guru, that one is a guru, but he never tells us, who made these fools and idiots into gurus? Well we all know who did, he did. He is the lead scholar of the cheaters. He is their defender lawyer, and he defedended them all along.

Even recently, Narayana Maharaja got very angry when Gauridasa Pandit suggested that these GBC were never intended to be gurus, but only agents. Narayana Maharaja is always very aggressive on this point, he says there is no such thing as worship of the pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada, a ritvik system, rather this is a deviation from shastra. He has said this a million times, that worship of Srila Prabhupada is bogus and not found in shastra? Of course if you ask him if the GBC's worship of homosexuals as Vishnupada is bona fide, he has been in full agreement? So Narayana Maharaja is one of the main creators of this cheating. And he still says that gurus fall down --and have this homosex? So he has created this cheating, supported this cheating, and he still will not clarify that this is cheating, rather he still insists that gurus fall down and engage in homosex with men and boys, as he has said very recently. So not only is Narayana Maharaja a big cheater, he is spreading deadly diseases like AIDS in the name of the eternal guru parampara. Even to children? So he is the worst cheater, and he is even worse than the GBC because he is from the India culture and he knows better than to say that homosexuality is found in the guru. Of course, some of these Gaudiya Matha gurus were homosexuals, so birds of a feather defend each other. One boy was molested by a Gaudiya Matha "guru" in Vrindavana, so this cheating has been going on since the 1930s.

Anyway, on page one, section two, Bhagavata Maharaja says that a person may want to get a higher instruction from another Vaisnava, but it may happen that his diksha guru will not give him approval. In other words, he's talking again about these bogus Iskcon GBC being diksha gurus. But, the Maharaj never has explained, how did these people become diksha gurus in the first place? Narayana Maharaj and various members of the Gaudiya Math are always walking around saying that Tamal Krsna and other GBC are diksha gurus, but they've never explained, not one of them has ever explained, how did they become diksha gurus? So, they've just gone along with the lying and cheating of the GBC, this so-called self appointed acharya syndrome which occured in the Gaudya Math. So, diksha means, di - pure divyan jnanam, and ksha - a person can also absorb all the sins of the follower. In other words, this can only be done by a pure devote. A pure devote can give pure divyam jnanam, and a pure devote is powerful enough to absorb the sins. They have not even studied the etymology of the word. Worse, now they're also saying that these GBC people are kanista adhikary, so how can a kanista adhikary give pure divyan jnanam and destroy the sins of his followers, when he can't even destroy his own sins? They are cheating.



There are two issues here: 1 The falldown from the spiritual world: 67-08-27. Letter: Jananivasa The Spirit Soul is certainly eternal and changeless; and the fall is superficial, just like the relation between father and son cannot be broken ever. Now we are simply in a phase of forgetfulness, and this forgetfulness is called Maya. There is a nice example in the waning of the moon. To use the moon appears to be changing, but in fact the moon is always the same. So as ETERNAL SERVITORS of Krishna --OUR CONSTITUTIONAL POSITION-- WE FALL DOWN WHEN WE TRY TO BECOME THE ENJOYER, imitating Krishna. THAT IS OUR DOWNFALL. Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer, and we are constitutionally to be enjoyed by Him, and when we revive this constitutional position where is no more Maya. K.C. gives us the opportunity of rendering service to Krishna, and this service attitude only can replace us on our original position.

2 The Acarya (PURE DEVOTEE) who is EMPOWERED AND PROTECTED by Krishna is SUPPOSED ---according to Narasingha Maharaja and some others can fall down. This is ---like saying to come under the shelter of Krishna's pure devotee is unreliable. The noted difference is that the souls -who as Srila Prabhupada has stated clearly "try to become the enjoyer, imitating Krishna" fall down. BUT this fall down does NOT necessarily apply to Srila Prabhupada or those acaryas who precede him who have come here TO SERVE Krishna's purpose in delivering humanity. These acaryas are EMPOWERED AND PROTECTED BY KRISHNA. They have NOT come here to become ENJOYER.

THIS is why Narasingha Maharaja and his colleagues will find it VERY difficult to prove that (PURE DEVOTEES) ACARYAS fall down. This ludicrous theme is NOT found in Srila Prabhupada's books AT ALL. Here is the ACARYA DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION--- PROVE IT! WHERE? IS THE FALLEN ACARYA IN OUR GLORIOUS Disciplic succession of acaryas.

68-02-13. Letter: Upendra, My Guru Maharaja was in the 10th generation from Lord Caitanya. We are 11th from Lord Caitanya. The disciplic sucession is as follows: 1. Sri Krishna, 2. Brahma, 3. Narada, 4. Vyasa, 5. Madhva, 6. Padmanabha, 7. Nrihari, 8. Madhava, 9. Akshobhya, 10. Jayatirtha, 11. Jnanasindhu, 12. Purusottama, 13. Vidyanidhi, 14. Rajendra, 15. Jayadharma, 16. Purusottama, 17. Vyasatirtha, 18. Laksmipati, 19. Madhavendra Puri, 20. Isvara Puri (Advaita, Nityananda) 21. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, 22. (Svarupa, Sanatana) Rupa, 23.(Jiva) Raghunath, 24. Krishna dasa, 25. Narottama, 26. Visvanatha, 27. (Baladeva.) Jagannatha, 28. (Bhaktivinode) Gaura-kisora, 29. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Sri Barshabhanavidayitadas, 30. Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta.

SB 3.29.17 P, In Bhagavad-gita, Thirteenth Chapter, it is clearly stated that one should execute devotional service and advance on the path of spiritual knowledge BY ACCEPTING THE ACARYA. Acaryopasanam: one SHOULD WORSHIP AN ACARYA, a spiritual master who knows things as they are. The spiritual master must be in the disciplic succession from Krsna. THE PREDECESSORS OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTER ARE HIS SPIRITUAL MASTER, HIS GRAND SPIRITUAL MASTER, HIS GREAT-GRAND SPIRITUAL MASTER AND SO ON, WHO FORM THE DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION OF ACARYAS.

Devotee: But so many, what you are calling pure devotees, have >fallen down - a pure devotee can not fall down. Narasingha Maharaja: Oh. This is very interesting point that you are making. On one hand you say that a pure devotee can not fall down but on the other hand, yourself and other ritvik proponents, are of the opinion that all living entities in the mundane world have fallen from eternal lila with Krishna in Goloka or Vaikuntha - is it not? Devotee: Yes. But... Narasingha Maharaja: So in the spiritual world were these fallen souls pure devotees or not? If they are not pure devotees then how can they be with Krishna in eternal lila. Therefore by your own admission a pure devotee can fall down - is it not?

Note: here Srila Prabhupada gives his VERDICT. Madhya 22.71 It should be understood that a madhyama-adhikari, a second-class devotee, is fully convinced of Krsna consciousness but cannot support his convictions with sastric reference. A neophyte may fall down by associating with nondevotees because he is not firmly convinced and strongly situated. The second-class devotee, even though he cannot support his position with sastric reference, can gradually become a first-class devotee by studying the sastras and associating with a first-class devotee. However,if the second-class devotee does not advance himself by associating with a first-class devotee, he makes no progress. THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY THAT A FIRST-CLASS DEVOTEE WILL FALL DOWN, EVEN THOUGH HE MAY MIX WITH NONDEVOTEES TO PREACH. Conviction and faith gradually increase to make one anuttama-adhikari, a first-class devotee.

Note: here Srila Prabhupada says clearly HE DOES NOT DEVIATE AT ALL. Bg 4.42 P

A BONA FIDE SPIRITUAL MASTER IS IN THE DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION FROM TIME ETERNAL, AND HE DOES NOT DEVIATE AT ALL FROM THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SUPREME LORD as they were imparted millions of years ago to the sun-god, from whom the instructions of Bhagavad-gita have come down to the earthly kingdom. One should, therefore, follow the path of Bhagavad-gita as it is expressed in the Gita itself and BEWARE OF SELF-INTERESTED PEOPLE AFTER PERSONAL AGGRANDIZEMENT WHO DEVIATE OTHERS FROM THE ACTUAL PATH. The Lord is definitely the supreme person, and His activities are transcendental. One who understands this is a liberated person from the very beginning of his study of the Gita.

Note: Srila Prabhupada warns us: personal aggrandizement---this so-called gurus who want to take us for a ride. Best to worship His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada the bona fide acarya.

Pure devotee falls?---NO! GURUSU NARA-MATIH.

SB 7.7.14 P Even if a man is very advanced in learning, he cannot understand the behavior of a Vaisnava. Anyone can take shelter of a pure Vaisnava, without fear. Therefore in the previous verse it has been distinctly said, devarser antike sakuto-bhaya: Kayadhu, the mother of Prahlada Maharaja, stayed under the protection of Narada Muni without fear from any direction. SIMILARLY, NARADA MUNI, IN HIS TRANSCENDENTAL POSITION, STAYED WITH THE YOUNG WOMAN WITHOUT FEAR OF DEVIATION. NARADA MUNI, HARIDASA THAKURA AND SIMILAR ACARYAS ESPECIALLY EMPOWERED TO BROADCAST THE GLORIES OF THE LORD CANNOT BE BROUGHT DOWN TO THE MATERIAL PLATFORM. THEREFORE ONE IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO THINK THAT THE ACARYA IS AN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING (GURUSU NARA-MATIH).

Note: they are NOT disturbed SB 6.17.29 Those who are not narayana-para, pure devotees, must be disturbed by this duality of the material world, whereas devotees who are simply attached to the service of the Lord are not at all disturbed by it. For example, Haridasa Thakura was beaten with cane in twenty-two bazaars, but he was never disturbed; instead, he smilingly tolerated the beating. Despite the disturbing dualities of the material world, devotees are not disturbed at all. BECAUSE THEY FIX THEIR MINDS ON THE LOTUS FEET OF THE LORD AND CONCENTRATE ON THE HOLY NAME OF THE LORD, THEY DO NOT FEEL THE SO-CALLED PAINS AND PLEASURES CAUSED BY THE DUALITIES OF THIS MATERIAL WORLD. SB 6.12.19 P

As stated in Bhagavad-gita (6.22): yam labdhva caparam labham manyate nadhikam tatah YASMIN STHITO NA DUHKHENA GURUNAPI VICALYATE

"Established in Krsna consciousness, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. BEING SITUATED IN SUCH A POSITION, ONE IS NEVER SHAKEN, EVEN IN THE MIDST OF THE GREATEST DIFFICULTY." AN UNALLOYED DEVOTEE IS NEVER DISTURBED BY ANY KIND OF TRYING CIRCUMSTANCE.

Note: Brahma as the acarya is given PROTECTION. SB 3.12.28 P Maitreya hesitated to state this anomaly on the part of Brahma, who was sexually inclined to his own daughter, but still he mentioned it because sometimes it so happens, and the living example is Brahma himself, although he is the primeval living being and the most learned within the whole universe. If Brahma could be a victim of the sexual urge, then what of others, who are prone to so many mundane frailties? THIS EXTRAORDINARY IMMORALITY ON THE PART OF BRAHMA WAS HEARD TO HAVE OCCURRED IN SOME PARTICULAR KALPA, BUT IT COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE KALPA IN WHICH BRAHMA HEARD DIRECTLY FROM THE LORD THE FOUR ESSENTIAL VERSES OF SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM BECAUSE THE LORD BLESSED BRAHMA, AFTER GIVING HIM LESSONS ON THE BHAGAVATAM, THAT HE WOULD NEVER BE BEWILDERED IN ANY KALPA WHATSOEVER. THIS INDICATES THAT BEFORE THE HEARING OF SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM HE MIGHT HAVE FALLEN A VICTIM TO SUCH SENSUALITY, BUT AFTER HEARING SRIMAD-BHAGAVATAM DIRECTLY FROM THE LORD, THERE WAS NO POSSIBILITY OF SUCH FAILURES.

Narasingha Maharaja seems upset at Srila Prabhupada's potency to give diksa as mentioned below to the generations of devotees to come. If he wants to succeed Srila Prabhupada (disciplic succession of acaryas) he has to prove Srila Prabhupada is no longer capable to give the Madhyama adhikaris diksa. Ofcourse there is a cheaper way "sahijiya way around it" just throw a few bananas and sesame seeds in the fire and give "initiation" calling the devotees "his" disciples. BUT are they following "his" discipline or are they following Srila Prabhupada's discipline? One who follows Srila Prabhupada's discipline from his books is Srila Prabhupda's disciple ---common sense.16 rounds plus 4 regulative principles these are also given by Srila Prabhupada. Others can but imitate by saying--- here do this.

Note: at stage of Madhyama adhikari CAN serve Krishna in Loving mellows.THIS is spiritual initiation "diksa." Antya 4.192-194 DIKSA-KALE bhakta kare atma-samarpana/ sei-kale krsna tare kare atma-sama/ "At the time of initiation, when a devotee fully surrenders unto the service of the Lord, Krsna accepts him to be as good as Himself. "When the devotee's body is thus transformed into spiritual existence, the devotee, in that transcendental body, renders service to the lotus feet of the Lord.

"'The living entity who is subjected to birth and death, when he gives up all material activities dedicating his life to Me for executing My order, and thus acts according to My direction, at that time he reaches the platform of immortality, and becomes fit to enjoy the spiritual bliss of EXCHANGE OF LOVING MELLOWS WITH ME.'

Note: all Srila Prabhupada authorized was the FINAL ORDER to the society July 9th 1977 naming them as ritviks. He did not say they were acaryas and were to be worshiped as good as God.

Madhya 10.136 The conclusion is that a spiritual master who is authorized and empowered by Krsna and his own guru should be considered as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. That is the verdict of Visvanatha Cakravarti: saksad-dharitvenasa. An authorized spiritual master is as good as Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Note: here is Srila Prabhupada's authority from his guru explaining Srila Prabhupada to be Jagad guru (spiritual master of the ENTIRE world) and spiritual master of ALL varnas and asramas (varnasrama).It is Srila Prabhupada who is ACTUALLY preaching the through his books presenting the holy name (initiating) and delivering the conditioned souls.

Antya 7.12 "In the Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Krsna or Visnu only by worshiping opulently according to the pancaratriki system, but in the age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting His holy name." SRILA BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASVATI THAKURA EXPLAINS THAT UNLESS ONE IS DIRECTLY EMPOWERED BY THE CAUSELESS MERCY OF KRSNA, ONE CANNOT BECOME THE SPIRITUAL MASTER OF THE ENTIRE WORLD (JAGAD-GURU). ONE CANNOT BECOME AN ACARYA SIMPLY BY MENTAL SPECULATION. THE TRUE ACARYA PRESENTS KRSNA TO EVERYONE BY PREACHING THE HOLY NAME OF THE LORD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Thus the conditioned souls, purified by chanting the holy name, are liberated from the blazing fire of material existence. In this way, spiritual benefit grows increasingly full, like the waxing moon in the sky. THE TRUE ACARYA, THE SPIRITUAL MASTER OF THE ENTIRE WORLD, must be considered an incarnation of Krsna's mercy. indeed, he is personally embracing Krsna. HE IS THEREFORE THE SPIRITUAL MASTER OF ALL THE VARNAS (BRAHMANA, KSATRIYA, VAISYA AND SUDRA) AND ALL THE ASRAMAS (BRAHMACARYA, GRHASTHA, VANAPRASTHA AND SANNYASA). Since he is understood to be the most advanced devotee, he is called paramahamsa-thakura. Thakura is a title of honor offered to the paramahamsa. Therefore one who acts as an acarya, directly presenting Lord Krsna by spreading His name and fame, is also to be called paramahamsa-thakura.

SRILA PRABHUPADA IS MAHA-BHAGAVATA WHO IS DELIVERING US! Madhya 24.330 MAHA-BHAGAVATA-SRESTHO brahmano vai gurur nrnam sarvesam eva lokanam asau pujyo yatha harih. The guru MUST be situated on the topmost platform of devotional service. There are three classes of devotees, and the guru MUST be accepted from the topmost class. ...When one has attained the TOPMOST POSITION OF MAHA-BHAGAVATA, he is to be accepted as a guru and worshiped exactly like Hari, the Personality of Godhead. ONLY SUCH A PERSON IS ELIGIBLE TO OCCUPY THE POST OF A GURU.

nama-om-visnu-padaya-krsna-presthya-bhu-tale srimate-BHAKTIVEDANTA-svamin-iti-namine

namas-te-sarasvate-deve-gaura-vani-pracarine nirvisesa-suniyavadi-pascatya-DESA-TARINE


Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!